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Robert W. McGee

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Robert William McGee est un économiste américain professeur de l'Université Internationale de Floride. Il est proche de l'école autrichienne d'économie et défend les idées de liberté. C'est un théoricien de la sécession, de l'analyse du délit d'initié et de l'économie de la transition.

Robert W. McGee a plusieurs doctorats en comptabilité, en économie, en droit et en philosophie. Il a enseigné la comptabilité à la Seton Hall University. Il est avocat, comptable agréé, comptable agréé et économiste et a travaillé sur les projets de réforme comptable de l'USAID en Russie, en Arménie et en Bosnie-Herzégovine et a été conseiller non résident pour les projets de réforme comptable de l'USAID en Géorgie et au Kazakhstan. Il a publié plus de 40 livres et plus de 300 articles scolaires dans les domaines de la comptabilité, de la fiscalité, de l'économie, du droit et de la philosophie.


De 1987 à 1989

De 1990 à 1994

  • 1990, The Trade Policy of a Free Society, CAPITAL U.L. REV. Vol 19, pp301-41
  • 1991, A Theory of Secession for Emerging Democracies, The Asian Economic Review, 33, no. 2 (August)
  • 1992,
    • a. The Theory of Secession and Emerging Democracies: A Constitutional Solution, Stanford Journal of International Law, 28, no. 2
    • b. A Third Liberal Theory of Secession, The Liverpool Law Review, 14, no. 1
    • c. avec Danny Lam, Hong Kong’s Option to Secede, Harvard International Law Journal, Vol 33, no. 2
    • d. Should Superfund Be Wasted? The Case to Trash the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA); Glendale Law Review 11, 1–2:120-42
    • e. dir., Business Ethics and Common Sense, Westport, CT: Quorum Books
    • f. avec Walter Block, Insider Trading, In: Business Ethics and Common Sense, Robert W. McGee, dir., Westport, Conn.: Quorum Books, pp219–29
  • 1993,
    • a. "Superfund: It’s Time for Repeal after a Decade of Failure", UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and Policy, Vol 12, n°1, pp165-182
    • b. avec Bettina Bien Greaves, Dir., Mises: An Annotated Bibliography. Compilation de textes, Irvington-on-Hudson, N.Y.: Foundation for Economic Education
    • c. If Dwarf Tossing is Outlawed, Only Outlaws will Toss Dwarfs: Is Dwarf Tossing a Victimless Crime?, 38 AM. J. JURIS. 335, 358 n.84
    • d. "Is tax evasion unethical", U. Kan. L. Rev., Vol 42, p411
  • 1994,
    • a. avec Walter Block, ‘Pollution Trading Permits as a Form of Market Socialism, and the Search for a Real Market Solution to Environmental Pollution’, Fordham University Law and Environmental Journal 6.1 (Fall 1994): 51-77
    • b. Secession as a Tool for Limiting the Growth of State and Municipal Government and Making it More Responsive: A Constitutional Proposal, Western State University Law Review 21 (Spring)
    • c. Secession reconsidered, Journal of Libertarian Studies, 11:1, Fall, pp11-33
    • d. Is Tax Evasion Unethical?, University of Kansas Law Review, Vol. 42, n°2, Winter, pp411-435
    • e. The Fatal Flaw in NAFTA, GATT and All Other Trade Agreements, Northwestern Journal of International Law & Business, 14(3), pp549-565
    • f. A Trade Policy for Free Societies: The Case Against Protectionism, Quorum Books
    • g. Business in the Global Community, The Freeman, July, Vol 44, n°7
    • h. "Some Thoughts on the Relationship between Property Rights and Immigration Policy", Cleveland State Law Review, Vol 42, n°3, pp495-508

De 1995 à 1999

  • 1995,
    • a. commentaire du livre de Murray Sabrin, "Tax Free 2000: The Rebirth of American Liberty", The Freeman, October, Vol 45, n°10, p677
    • b. "A Trade Policy for Free Societies: The Case Against Protectionism", Quorum Books, Westport, Conn.
  • 1997,
    • a. avec Yeoman Yoon et Walter Block, Do we need protectionism, Asian Economic Review, Vol. 39, pp. 237-
    • b. avec Walter Block, Ethical Aspects of Initiating Anti Dumping Actions, International Journal of Social Economics, Vol. 24, No. 6, pp599-608
    • c. avec Walter Block, Must Protectionism Violate Rights?, International Journal of Social Economics, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp393-407
    • d. dir., Commentaries on Law & Economics, pp86-109
  • 1998, dir., "The Ethics of Tax Evasion", Dumont, NJ: The Dumont Institute for Public Policy Research
  • 1999,
    • a. avec Y. Yoon et Walter Block, Antidumping and the People's Republic of China: Five Case Studies, Asian Economic Review, Vol 41, n°2, pp208-217
    • b. "Is It Unethical to Evade the Estate Tax?", Journal of Accounting, Ethics & Public Policy, Vol 2, Spring, pp266-285
    • c. Is It Unethical to Evade Taxes in an Evil or Corrupt State? A Look at Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Mormon and Baha'i Perspectives, Journal of Accounting, Ethics & Public Policy, Vol 2, Winter, pp149-181

De 2000 à 2009

  • 2003,
    • a. Educating Professors in a Transition Economy: A Case Study of Bosnia & Herzegovina, Proceedings of the Twelfth World Business Congress, International Management Development Association, Vancouver, BC, Canada, June 25-29, pp155-162. Available at [www.ssrn.com]
    • b. Reforming Accounting Education in a Transition Economy: A Case Study of Armenia, Proceedings of the Twelfth World Business Congress, International Management Development Association, Vancouver, BC, Canada, June 25-29, pp139-146. Available at [www.ssrn.com]
    • c. avec Galina G. Preobragenskaya, International Accounting Standards and Foreign Direct Investment in Russia.” Presented at the International Trade and Finance Association’s Thirteenth International Conference, Vaasa, Finland, May 28-31
    • d. avec Galina G. Preobragenskaya, The Current State of Auditing in Russia, In: Jerry Biberman et Abbass F. Alkhafaji, dir., Business Research Yearbook: Global Business Perspectives, Volume X, Saline, MI: McNaughton & Gunn, Inc., pp.499-503
  • 2004,
    • a. Ethical issues in insider trading: Case studies, Proceedings of the Global Conference on Business Economics, Association for Business and Economics Research, Amsterdam, July 9-11, pp712-721
    • b. Property Rights vs. Utilitarianism: Two Views of Ethics, Reason Papers, Vol 27, Fall, pp85-112
    • c. dir. "The Philosophy of Taxation and Public Finance", Springer, Boston, MA.
    • d. "Financing Education", In: Robert W. McGee, dir. "The Philosophy of Taxation and Public Finance", Springer, Boston, MA., pp142-154
    • e. "Social Security: Reform, Privatize or Abolish?", In: Robert W. McGee, dir. "The Philosophy of Taxation and Public Finance", Springer, Boston, MA., pp155-161
    • e. "Earmarking Taxes", In: Robert W. McGee, dir. "The Philosophy of Taxation and Public Finance", Springer, Boston, MA., pp163-170
    • e. "The Supermajority Requirement", In: Robert W. McGee, dir. "The Philosophy of Taxation and Public Finance", Springer, Boston, MA., pp171-178
    • e. "Should Taxes be Visible or Hidden?", In: Robert W. McGee, dir. "The Philosophy of Taxation and Public Finance", Springer, Boston, MA., pp179-182
    • e. "Tax Attributes", In: Robert W. McGee, dir. "The Philosophy of Taxation and Public Finance", Springer, Boston, MA., pp185-210
    • e. "The Individual Income Tax", In: Robert W. McGee, dir. "The Philosophy of Taxation and Public Finance", Springer, Boston, MA., pp211-213
    • e. "The Corporate Income Tax", In: Robert W. McGee, dir. "The Philosophy of Taxation and Public Finance", Springer, Boston, MA., pp215-218
    • e. "The Value Added Tax", In: Robert W. McGee, dir. "The Philosophy of Taxation and Public Finance", Springer, Boston, MA., pp219-223
    • e. "The Retail Consumption Tax", In: Robert W. McGee, dir. "The Philosophy of Taxation and Public Finance", Springer, Boston, MA., pp225-230
    • e. "Excise Taxes", In: Robert W. McGee, dir. "The Philosophy of Taxation and Public Finance", Springer, Boston, MA., pp231-239
    • e. "Estate, Gift and Inheritance Taxes", In: Robert W. McGee, dir. "The Philosophy of Taxation and Public Finance", Springer, Boston, MA., pp241-243
    • e. "Capital Gains Taxes", In: Robert W. McGee, dir. "The Philosophy of Taxation and Public Finance", Springer, Boston, MA., pp245-246
    • e. "Tariffs as a Form of Taxation", In: Robert W. McGee, dir. "The Philosophy of Taxation and Public Finance", Springer, Boston, MA., pp247-254
    • e. "The Property Tax", In: Robert W. McGee, dir. "The Philosophy of Taxation and Public Finance", Springer, Boston, MA., pp255-257
    • e. "User Fees", In: Robert W. McGee, dir. "The Philosophy of Taxation and Public Finance", Springer, Boston, MA., pp259-263
    • e. "Lotteries", In: Robert W. McGee, dir. "The Philosophy of Taxation and Public Finance", Springer, Boston, MA., p265
    • e. "The Tax System of a Free Society", In: Robert W. McGee, dir. "The Philosophy of Taxation and Public Finance", Springer, Boston, MA., pp267–275
  • 2006, Three Views on the Ethics of Tax Evasion, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol 67, n°1, pp15-35
  • 2008,
    • a. "Applying Ethics to Insider Trading", Journal of Business Ethics, Volume 77, n°2, pp205-217
    • b. Ethical Aspects of Using Government to Subvert Competition: Antidumping Laws as a Case Study of Rent Seeking Activity. Journal of Business Ethics
    • c. dir., "Taxation and Public Finance in Transition and Developing Economies", Springer Science
    • d. avec Yeomin Yoon, "Enhancing Efficiency of Government Budget and Fiscal Policy: Some Advice for Transition and Developing Economies", In: Robert W. McGee, dir., "Taxation and Public Finance in Transition and Developing Economies", Springer Science, pp39-53
    • e. "A Comparative Study of Indirect Taxes in Transition Economies and the European Union", In: Robert W. McGee, dir., "Taxation and Public Finance in Transition and Developing Economies", Springer Science, pp57-65
    • f. "Tax Administration Costs in Transition Economies and the OECD: A Comparative Study", In: Robert W. McGee, dir., "Taxation and Public Finance in Transition and Developing Economies", Springer Science, pp67-80
    • g. "A Comparative Study of Tax Misery and Tax Happiness in Transition Economies and the European Union", In: Robert W. McGee, dir., "Taxation and Public Finance in Transition and Developing Economies", Springer Science, pp81-92
    • h. "Fiscal Freedom in Transition Economies and the OECD: A Comparative Study", In: Robert W. McGee, dir., "Taxation and Public Finance in Transition and Developing Economies", Springer Science, pp93-118
    • i. "Trends in the Ethics of Tax Evasion: An Empirical Study of 10 Transition Economies", In: Robert W. McGee, dir., "Taxation and Public Finance in Transition and Developing Economies", Springer Science, pp119-136
    • j. "Tax Evasion, Tax Misery and Ethics: Comparative Studies of Korea, Japan and China", In: Robert W. McGee, dir., "Taxation and Public Finance in Transition and Developing Economies", Springer Science, pp137-165
    • k. avec Meliha Basic, Michael Tyler, "The Ethics of Tax Evasion: A Comparative Study of Bosnian and Romanian Opinion", In: Robert W. McGee, dir., "Taxation and Public Finance in Transition and Developing Economies", Springer Science, pp167-183
    • l. avec Silvia Lopez Palau, "Tax Evasion and Ethics: A Comparative Study of the USA and Four Latin American Countries", In: Robert W. McGee, dir., "Taxation and Public Finance in Transition and Developing Economies", Springer Science, pp185-224
    • m. avec Marcelo J. Rossi, "A Survey of Argentina on the Ethics of Tax Evasion", In: Robert W. McGee, dir., "Taxation and Public Finance in Transition and Developing Economies", Springer Science, pp239-261
    • n. "Taxation in the Republic of Armenia: An Overview and Discussion from the Perspectives of Law, Economics and Ethics", In: Robert W. McGee, dir., "Taxation and Public Finance in Transition and Developing Economies", Springer Science, pp263-276
    • o. avec Tatyana B. Maranjyan, "Opinions on Tax Evasion in Armenia", In: Robert W. McGee, dir., "Taxation and Public Finance in Transition and Developing Economies", Springer Science, pp277-307
    • p. "Opinions on Tax Evasion in Asia", In: Robert W. McGee, dir., "Taxation and Public Finance in Transition and Developing Economies", Springer Science, pp309-320
    • q. avec Yuhua An, "Opinions on Tax Evasion in Asia", In: Robert W. McGee, dir., "Taxation and Public Finance in Transition and Developing Economies", Springer Science, pp409-421
    • r. avec Jaan Alver, Lehte Alver, "The Ethics of Tax Evasion: A Survey of Estonian Opinion", In: Robert W. McGee, dir., "Taxation and Public Finance in Transition and Developing Economies", Springer Science, pp461-480
    • s. avec Christopher Lingle, "The Ethics of Tax Evasion: A Survey of Guatemalan Opinion", In: Robert W. McGee, dir., "Taxation and Public Finance in Transition and Developing Economies", Springer Science, pp481-495
    • t. avec Galina G. Preobragenskaya, "A Study of Tax Evasion Ethics in Kazakhstan", In: Robert W. McGee, dir., "Taxation and Public Finance in Transition and Developing Economies", Springer Science, pp497-510
    • u. avec Bouchra M'Zali, "Attitudes toward Tax Evasion in Mali", In: Robert W. McGee, dir., "Taxation and Public Finance in Transition and Developing Economies", Springer Science, pp511-517
    • u. avec Radoslav Tusan, "The Ethics of Tax Evasion: A Survey of Slovak Opinion", In: Robert W. McGee, dir., "Taxation and Public Finance in Transition and Developing Economies", Springer Science, pp575-601
    • v. "Opinions on Tax Evasion in Thailand", In: Robert W. McGee, dir., "Taxation and Public Finance in Transition and Developing Economies", Springer Science, pp609-620
    • w. "A Survey of Vietnamese Opinion on the Ethics of Tax Evasion", In: Robert W. McGee, dir., "Taxation and Public Finance in Transition and Developing Economies", Springer Science, pp663-674
  • 2011, dir., "The Ethics of Tax Evasion in Theory and Practice", New York: Springer
  • 2013,
    • a. "Property Rights Versus Utilitarian Ethics", In: Christoph Luetge, dir., "Handbook of the Philosophical Foundations of Business Ethics", Vol 18: Property Rights: Material and Intellectual, Springer, pp1263-1274
    • b. "The Body as Property Doctrine", In: Christoph Luetge, dir., "Handbook of the Philosophical Foundations of Business Ethics", Vol 18: Property Rights: Material and Intellectual, Springer, pp1275-1304
    • c. "Property Rights Versus Governments", In: Christoph Luetge, dir., "Handbook of the Philosophical Foundations of Business Ethics", Vol 18: Property Rights: Material and Intellectual, Springer, pp1305-1323

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