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David Haddock (bibliographie)
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Cet article présente la liste des œuvres de David Haddock, de façon aussi exhaustive que possible. Pour une présentation de l'auteur et de sa pensée, voir l'article dédié.
De 1982 à 1989
- 1982, "Basing Point Pricing: Competitive vs. Collusive Theories", American Economic Review, June, Vol 72, pp289-306
- Repris en 1995, In: Melvin L. Greenhut, George Norman, dir., "The Economics of Location", Cheltenham, Glos., U.K.: Edward Elgar, pp126-143
- 1983, avec Thomas D. Hall, "The Impact of Making Rights Inalienable: Merrion v. Jicarilla Apache Tribe. Texaco. Inc. v. Short. Fidelity Federal Savings & Loan Ass'n v. de la Cuesta. and Ridgway v. Ridgway", Supreme Court Economic Review, Vol 2, pp1-41
- 1984,
- a. Commentaire du livre coordonné par Jack Wiseman, "Beyond Positive Economics?", Journal of Economic Literature, December, Vol 22, pp1637-1638
- b. avec Menahem Spiegel, "Property Rules, Liability Rules, and Inalienability: One View of the Edgeworth Box", In: Göran Skogh, dir., "Papers Presented at the First Meeting of the European Association for Law and Economics", Nationalekonomiska Institutionen, Lunds Universitet, Lund, Sweden, pp47-75
- 1985,
- a. avec Christopher Curran, "An Economic Theory of Comparative Negligence", Journal of Legal Studies, Vol 14, January, pp49-72
- b. avec Jonathan R. Macey, "Shirking at the Securities and Exchange Commission: The Failure of the National Market System", University of Illinois Law Review, pp315-362
- 1986,
- a. avec Jonathan R. Macey, "A Coasian Model of Insider Trading", Northwestern University Law Review, Summer, Vol 80, pp1449-1472
- Repris en 2009, In: Jonathan Macey, dir., "Classics in Corporate Law and Economics", Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar
- b. "First Possession Versus Optimal Timing: Limiting the Dissipation of Economic Value", Washington University Law Quarterly, Vol 64, Fall, pp775-792
- c. avec Jonathan Macey, "Controlling Insider Trading in Europe and America: The Economics of the Politics", In: J. Matthias Grafv. d. Schulenberg, Göran Skogh, dir., "Law and Economics and the Economics of Legal Regulation", Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp149-167, ISBN-10: 9024733774
- a. avec Jonathan R. Macey, "A Coasian Model of Insider Trading", Northwestern University Law Review, Summer, Vol 80, pp1449-1472
- 1987,
- a. avec Jonathan R. Macey, Fred McChesney, "Property Rights in Assets and Resistance to Tender Offers", Virginia Law Review, May, Vol 73, pp701-746
- Repris en 1990, In: Lucian Arye Bebchuk, dir., "Corporate Law and Economic Analysis", Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp118-149
- b. avec Jonathan R. Macey, "Regulation on Demand: A Private Interest Model of Insider Trading Regulation", Journal of Law and Economics, October, Vol 30, pp311-352
- Repris en 2009, In: Jonathan Macey, dir., "Classics in Corporate Law and Economics", Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar
- a. avec Jonathan R. Macey, Fred McChesney, "Property Rights in Assets and Resistance to Tender Offers", Virginia Law Review, May, Vol 73, pp701-746
- 1989,
- a. "The Swiftness of Divine Retribution and Its Tendency to Mistake Its Target: An Analysis of the Brady Report", In: R. W. Hafer, Gerald P. Dwyer, dir., "The Stock Market: Bubbles, Volatility, and Chaos", Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp179-195
- b. "An Economic Analysis of the Brady Report: Public Interest, Special Interest, or Rent Extraction?", Cornell Law Review, Vol 74, pp801-825
De 1990 à 1999
- 1990,
- a. avec Fred McChesney, Menahem Spiegel, "An Ordinary Economic Rationale for Extraordinary Legal Sanctions", California Law Review, January, Vol 78, n°1, pp1–51
- Traduction en espagnol en 2008 par Juan José Romero, "Una Justificación Económica Ordinaria para Sanciones Legales Extraordinarias", Latin American and Caribbean Journal of Legal Studies, pp1-46
- Traduction en portugais en 2008 par Cristiano Carvalho, "Um Fundamento Econômico Ordinário para Sanções Legais Extraordinárias", Latin American and Caribbean Journal of Legal Studies, pp1-63
- Repris en 2008, In: Bruno Meyerhof Salama, José Rodrigo Rodriguez, dir., "Leituras em Direito e Economia" (Readings in Law & Economics), Rio de Janeiro: Ed. Fundação Getúlio Vargas
- Repris en 2010, In: Bruno Meyerhof Salama, dir., "Direito e Economia – Textos Escolhidos", Sao Paulo, Brazil: Editora Saraiva, pp143-210
- b. avec Daniel D. Polsby, "Bright Lines, the Federal Communication Commission's Duopoly Rule, and the Diversity of Voices", Federal Communications Law Journal, July, Vol 42, pp331-364
- c. "On the Basing-Point System: Comment", American Economic Review, September, Vol 80, pp957-962
- a. avec Fred McChesney, Menahem Spiegel, "An Ordinary Economic Rationale for Extraordinary Legal Sanctions", California Law Review, January, Vol 78, n°1, pp1–51
- 1991,
- a. avec Fred McChesney, "Do Liability Rules Deter Takings?”, In: Roger E. Meiners, Bruce Yandle, dir., "The Economic consequences of liability rules: in defense of common law liability", New York: Quorum Books, pp29-60
- b. avec Fred McChesney, "Bargaining Costs, Bargaining Benefits, and Compulsory Non-Bargaining Rules", Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, Fall, Vol 7, pp334-354
- 1992, avec Christian G. Cabou, Michele H. Thorne, "An Analytic History of Delivered Price Litigation: Do Courts Properly Distinguish Rivalrous from Collusive Instances?", Economic Inquiry, April, Vol 30, pp307-321
- 1993,
- a. "Insider trading", In: David R. Henderson, dir., "The Fortune Encyclopedia of Economics: 141 Top Economists Explain the Theories, Mechanics, and Institutions of Money, Trade, and Markets", New York: Time-Warner Books, Inc., pp580-584
- b. avec S. Craig Pirrong, Roger Kormendi, "Grain Futures Contracts: An Economic Appraisal", Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers
- c. "Predicting Regulation's Course: A Cross-National Historical Perspective on Broadcasting", In: Peder Andersen, Vibeke Jensen, Jürgen Birk Mortensen, dir., "Governance by Legal and Economic Measures", Copenhagen: G.E.C. GAD, pp87-114
- 1994,
- a. "Foreseeing Confiscation by the Sovereign: Lessons from the American West", In: Terry L. Anderson, Peter J. Hill, dir., "The Political Economy of the American West", Denver: Rowman and Littlefield, pp129-145
- b. avec Fred McChesney, "Why Do Firms Contrive Shortages? The Economics of Intentional Mispricing", Economic Inquiry, October, Vol 32, pp562-581
- c. avec Dan Polsby, "Understanding Riots", Spring/Summer, Vol 14, n°1, Cato Journal, pp147-157
- 1996, avec Dan Polsby, "Family as a Rational Classification", Spring, Vol 74, n°1, Washington University Law Quarterly, pp15-46
- 1997,
- a. "Must Hydrological Regulation Be Centralized?", In: Terry L. Anderson, Peter J. Hill, dir., "Water Marketing—The Next Generation", Denver: Rowman and Littlefield, pp43-61
- b. "Sizing Up Sovereigns: Federal Systems, Their Origin, Their Decline, Their Prospects", In: Terry L. Anderson, Peter J. Hill, dir., "Environmental Federalism", Denver: Rowman and Littlefield, pp1-21
- 1999, "Academic Hostility and SEC Acquiescence: Henry Manne's Insider Trading", Case Western Reserve Law Review, Winter, Vol 50, pp313-317
De 2000 à 2009
- 2000, avec Dan Polsby, "Toxic Torts: Problems of Damages and Issues of Liability", In: Richard Stroup, Roger Meiners, dir., "Cutting Green Tape: Toxic Pollutants, Environmental Regulation and the Law", New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, pp151-185
- 2002, avec Lynne Kiesling, "The Black Death and Property Rights", Journal of Legal Studies, June, Vol 31, n°2 Pt. 2, pp545-588
- 2003,
- a. "Force, Treat, Negociation: The Provate Enforcement of Rights", In: Terry L. Anderson, Fred McChesney, dir., "Property Rights in the Firm", Princeton University Press, Princeton, pp168-194
- b. "Introduction to Part II – Open Access, Common Property, Private Property", In: Terry Anderson, Fred McChesney, dir., "Property Rights: Cooperation, Conflict, and Law", Princeton: Princeton University Press, pp59-72
- 2004,
- a. avec William F. Shughart II, Fred McChesney, “On the Internal Contradictions of the Law of One Price”, Economic Inquiry, Vol 42, n°4, October, pp706–716
- b. avec Robert J. Miller, "Can a Sovereign Protect Investors From Itself? Tribal Institutions to Spur Reservation Investment", Journal of Small & Emerging Business Law, Vol 8, pp173-228
- c. "When Are Environmental Amenities Policy-Relevant?", Natural Resources Journal, Spring, Vol 44, pp383-424
- 2005,
- a. Commentaire du livre de Terry Anderson et Peter Hill, "The Not So Wild, Wild West: Property Rights of the Frontier", Journal of Economic History, June, Vol 65, pp586-588
- b. avec Louis P. Cain, "Similar Economic Histories, Different Industrial Structures: Transatlantic Contrasts in the Evolution of Professional Sports Leagues", Journal of Economic History, Vol 65, December, pp1116-1147
- 2006,
- a. avec Robert J. Miller, "Sovereignty Can be a Liability: How Tribes Can Mitigate the Sovereign’s Paradox", In: Terry Anderson, Bruce Benson, Thomas E. Flanagann dir., "Self-Determination: The Other Path for Native Americans", Stanford: Stanford University Press, pp194-213
- b. avec Louis P. Cain, "Measuring Parity: Tying Into the Idealized Standard Distribution", Journal of Sports Economics, Vol 7, August, pp330-338
- 2007,
- a. "Warning: Army Corps of Engineers Project Ahead", PERC Reports, Vol 25, Fall, pp26-29
- b. "Irrelevant Externality Angst", Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics, Vol 19, n°1, pp3-18
- 2008,
- a. "Why Individuals Provide Public Goods", In: Terry L. Anderson, Laura E. Huggins, Thomas M. Power, dir., "Accounting for Mother Nature", Stanford: Stanford University Press, pp262-287
- b. "To Tax Tribes or Not To Tax Tribes? That is the Question", Lewis & Clark Law Review, Vol 12, n°4, pp971-990
Depuis 2010
- 2012, "Fuel Economy and Perverse Unintended Consequences", Environmental Forum, Vol 29, n°2, March/April, pp34-35
- 2013, avec Tonja Jacobi, Matthew Sag, "League Structure & Stadium Rent Seeking – the Role of Antitrust Revisited", Florida Law Review, January, Vol 65, n°1, pp1-72
- 2014, "The Relevant Theory of Irrelevant Externalities: Buchanan, Coase and Pigou", Journal of Law, Economics & Policy, Fall, Vol 10, pp689-729