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Tom Peters
Thomas Peters (1942-) est un auteur et consultant en management. Il est principalement connu pour son ouvrage In Search of Excellence ("Le Prix de l'Excellence") co-écrit avec Robert Waterman en 1982[1]. Les deux auteurs, consultants chez McKinsey, utilisent leurs expériences de l'entreprise pour trouver des règles d'excellence qu'ils synthétisent en huit principes fondamentaux :
- Privilégier l'action
- Rester à l'écoute du client
- Favoriser l'autonomie et l'innovation
- Asseoir la productivité sur la motivation du personnel
- Se mobiliser autour de valeurs-clés
- Préserver une structure simple
- Allier souplesse et rigueur
- S'en tenir à ce que l'on sait faire.
Dans un entretien avec Virginia Postrel dans Reason Magazine en 1997, il se décrit comme une forme de libertarien. Bien que certaines de ses positions politiques soient floues[2], il insiste sur l'influence des livres Conjectures et réfutations de Karl Popper et La Présomption fatale de Friedrich von Hayek. Il voit le chef d'entreprise comme un entrepreneur passionné, quelqu'un de brave et héroïque, quelle que soit la taille ou l'ampleur de l'investissement[3]
- 1979, "Leadership: Sad Facts and Silver Linings", Harvard Business Review, Vol 57, n°6, pp164–172
- 1985, avec N. K. Austin, "A Passion for Excellence: The Leadership Difference", William Collins, Glasgow
- 1987, "Thriving on Chaos", New York: Harper & Row
- 1994,
- a. "Liberation Management: Necessary Disorganization for the Nanosecond Nineties", Fawcet books
- b. "Seminar: Crazy Times Call for Crazy Organizations", New York, NY: Vintage Books
- 2003, "Re-imagine!", New York, DK Publishing, Inc.
- [What I like about Hakek is] the spontaneous discovery idea. As I said in Liberation Management: The mess is the message. To me that's the joy of Santa Clara County, San Mateo County, and all economies that work, Hong Kong for the next--whatever it is now--15, 45 days. I am not one of those people who tends to read books multiple times. But [Hayek's 1988 book] The Fatal Conceit I find I can read over. I've probably read it, literally cover to cover, word for word, a half dozen times. Every 18 months or so I go back and read it again just to make sure my religion has not slipped in any way, shape, or form.
- The reality is big countries are going to have big governments. But I have fallen in love over the last 15 or 20 years with gridlock. I don't give a damn whether it's a Democrat in the White House and a Republican-controlled Congress, or a Republican in the White House and a Democrat-controlled Congress. When Washington is fucked up, it doesn't do anything much. And that's the best of all possible worlds. My politics is totally screwed up. I have sometimes described myself as having economic views that are far to the right of Jack Kemp, and social views that are to the left of Jesse Jackson. Which makes me sort of a libertarian, kinda, in a way. But I am not a libertarian, because I don't see how you can be a pure libertarian. I have much too pessimistic a view of humanity to believe that--I do believe that humanity fundamentally sucks. That people do phenomenally shitty things to each other in the absence of any control whatsoever.
- Life is play. When Hayek says the economy is a discovery process, that means the economy is play. It means [Oracle CEO] Larry Ellison trying to stick his pecker out farther than Bill Gates's--excuse the crude analogy. [La vie est un jeu. Quand Hayek dit que l'économie est un processus de découverte, cela signifie que l'économie est un jeu. Cela signifie que Larry Ellison [PDG d'Oracle] essaie d'allonger son pénis plus loin que celui de Bill Gates - excusez l'analogie grossière.]
- With all my love for Hayek, I would give Braudel even more credit. Braudel let himself go and described everyday life and the transactions associated therewith.
- I think that what is happening now [in business] is pure, raw, unmitigated Popperian conjectures and refutations.
- There are two halves of the brain. There's the logical half and the primitive half. The primitive half hasn't evolved in the last several million years, and the logical half is moving at a jillion miles an hour. I think that will continue to be the warfare.It is going to be a big wrestling match. It's going to be great fun. That's why my fundamental nature is Popperian and Hayekian. The one thing that I'm sure of is those who are playful will win, or at least they will lose with vigor, which to me means much more than winning in a narrow sense of the word.
Notes et références
- ↑ In Search of Excellence s'est vendu à 3 millions d'exemplaires et reste considéré comme l'un des meilleurs ouvrages de management.
- ↑ Ma vie est une déclaration passionnée contre l'étatisme - l'étatisme dans l'entreprise, par opposition à la nation, si vous voulez. Aussi, c'est une partie d'elle.
- My life is a passionate statement against statism--statism in the corporation, as opposed to in the nation, if you will. So that's a piece of it.
- ↑ "Je pense que l'économie est une question de passion. Le progrès économique, qu'il s'agisse d'un café-restaurant avec deux personnes ou s'il s'agit de Netscape, est réalisé par des gens avec des idées courageuses. Parce qu'il est courageux d'hypothéquer sa maison quand vous avez deux enfants et de vous lancer dans un commerce de brasserie."
- I think economics is about passion. Economic progress, whether it is a two-person coffee shop or whether it is Netscape, is about people with brave ideas. Because it is brave to mortgage the house when you've got two kids to start a coffee shop.
Littérature secondaire
- 1997, Virginia Postrel, The Peters principles - interview with Tom Peters, Reason, Octobre
- 2003, Morgen Witzel, "Tom Peters (1942-)", In: Morgen Witzel, dir., Fifty Key Figures in Management, Routledge, ISBN 978-0-415-36978-7, ISBN 978-0-415-36977-0, pp266-272
Liens externes
- (en)Son site officiel
- (en)Wikipedia
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