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Stanley J. Liebowitz

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Stanley J. Liebowitz est professeur d'économie à l'université du Texas à Dallas. Il est spécialiste de la théorie des ventes liées et de la théorie du sentier de dépendance.

Il a également travaillé sur le Community Reinvestment Act, montrant comment cette loi (et l'intervention étatique au sens large) ont été l'une des causes directes de la crise financière de 2007-2008.


  • 1983, Tie-in Sales and Price Discrimination, Economic Inquiry 21 July, pp387-99
  • 1985, Copying and indirect Appropriability: Photocopying of Journals, Journal of Political Economy, 93, October, pp945-57
  • 1990, avec Stephen E. Margolis, The Fable of the Keys, Journal of Law and Economics, April, 33, n°1, pp1-26
    • Repris en 2002, In: Famous Fables of Economics, Dan Spulber, Dir., Blackwell Publishers,
    • Repris en 1998, In: Foundations of Regulatory Economics, Robert B. Ekelund, Dir., Edward Elgar
    • Repris en 2005, In: Antitrust and Competition Policy, Andrew Kleit, Dir., Edward Elgar
    • Traduit en Russe en 2007, In: The Sources: History of Economic Thought, A. Kouzminov, ir., State University - Higher School of Economics Publishing House, Moscow
  • 1996,
    • a. avec Stephen E. Margolis, Should Technology Choice be a Concern for Antitrust?, Harvard Journal of Law and Technology, Summer, pp283-318
    • b. avec Stephen E. Margolis, Market processes and the selection of standards, Harvard Journal of Law and Technology, 9: 283-318.
  • 1997, Competition in network industries: the Microsoft case, In: Jerry Ellig et Robert W. Crandall, dir., Economic Deregulation and Customer Choice: Lessons for the Electric Industry (electricity), Center for Market Processes
  • 1998,
    • a. avec Ted Day, Mortgage Discrimination in Boston: Where’s the Bias?, Economic Inquiry, January, 36-1 Pp1-27
    • b. Do We Get Stuck With Inferior Technologies?, In: Soziale Schliesung im Prozes der Technologieentwicklung, Josef Esser, Gerd Fleischmann et Thomas Heimer, Dir., Campus Verlag, pp119-147
    • c. avec Stephen E. Margolis, Path Dependence, In: The New Palgraves Dictionary of Economics and the Law, MacMillan, Vol. 3, pp17-22
    • d. avec Stephen E. Margolis, Network Effects and Externalities, In: The New Palgraves Dictionary of Economics and the Law, MacMillan, 1998, Vol. 2, 671-675
    • e. avec Theodore Day, Mortgage Lending to Minorities: Where’s the Bias?, Economic Inquiry, January, pp1–27
  • 1999, avec Stephen E. Margolis, "Winners, Losers and Microsoft: Competition and Antitrust in High Technology", Oakland CA: Independent Institute
  • 2001,
    • An Expensive Pig in a Poke: Estimating the Costs of the District Court’s Proposed Breakup of Microsoft, George Mason Law Review, 3 Volume 9, Spring, pp727-760
    • avec Stephen E. Margolis, Network Effects and the Microsoft Case, In: Dynamic Competition and Public Policy: Technology, Innovation, and Antitrust Issues, Jerry Ellig, Dir., Cambridge University Press
  • 2009,
    • a. "Anatomy of a Train Wreck: Causes of the Mortgage Meltdown", In: Randall Holcombe et Benjamin Powell, dir., "Housing America: Building Out of a Crisis", Somerset, NJ: Transaction Publishers
    • b. "ARMs, Not Subprimes, Caused the Mortgage Crisis", The Economists' Voice, vol 6, n°12

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