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Stanley J. Liebowitz
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Stanley J. Liebowitz est professeur d'économie à l'université du Texas à Dallas. Il est spécialiste de la théorie des ventes liées et de la théorie du sentier de dépendance.
Il a également travaillé sur le Community Reinvestment Act, montrant comment cette loi (et l'intervention étatique au sens large) ont été l'une des causes directes de la crise financière de 2007-2008.
- 1983, Tie-in Sales and Price Discrimination, Economic Inquiry 21 July, pp387-99
- 1985, Copying and indirect Appropriability: Photocopying of Journals, Journal of Political Economy, 93, October, pp945-57
- 1990, avec Stephen E. Margolis, The Fable of the Keys, Journal of Law and Economics, April, 33, n°1, pp1-26
- Repris en 2002, In: Famous Fables of Economics, Dan Spulber, Dir., Blackwell Publishers,
- Repris en 1998, In: Foundations of Regulatory Economics, Robert B. Ekelund, Dir., Edward Elgar
- Repris en 2005, In: Antitrust and Competition Policy, Andrew Kleit, Dir., Edward Elgar
- Traduit en Russe en 2007, In: The Sources: History of Economic Thought, A. Kouzminov, ir., State University - Higher School of Economics Publishing House, Moscow
- 1994, avec Stephen E. Margolis, Network Externality: An Uncommon Tragedy, The Journal Of Economic Perspectives, Spring, 8-2, pp133-150
- 1995,
- a. avec Stephen E. Margolis, Path Dependence, Lock-in and History, Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, April, Vol 11, n°1, pp205-226
- Repris en 1998, In: Market Process Theories, Peter Boettke et David L. Prychitko, Dir., Edward Elgar,
- b. avec Stephen E. Margolis, Are Network Externalities a New Source of Market Failure?, Research in Law and Economics, Vol 17, pp1-22
- c. avec Stephen E. Margolis, Reply to Invited Comments by Regibeau And Gandal, Research In Law And Economics, pp41-46
- a. avec Stephen E. Margolis, Path Dependence, Lock-in and History, Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, April, Vol 11, n°1, pp205-226
- 1996,
- a. avec Stephen E. Margolis, Should Technology Choice be a Concern for Antitrust?, Harvard Journal of Law and Technology, Summer, pp283-318
- b. avec Stephen E. Margolis, Market processes and the selection of standards, Harvard Journal of Law and Technology, 9: 283-318.
- 1997, Competition in network industries: the Microsoft case, In: Jerry Ellig et Robert W. Crandall, dir., Economic Deregulation and Customer Choice: Lessons for the Electric Industry (electricity), Center for Market Processes
- 1998,
- a. avec Ted Day, Mortgage Discrimination in Boston: Where’s the Bias?, Economic Inquiry, January, 36-1 Pp1-27
- b. Do We Get Stuck With Inferior Technologies?, In: Soziale Schliesung im Prozes der Technologieentwicklung, Josef Esser, Gerd Fleischmann et Thomas Heimer, Dir., Campus Verlag, pp119-147
- c. avec Stephen E. Margolis, Path Dependence, In: The New Palgraves Dictionary of Economics and the Law, MacMillan, Vol. 3, pp17-22
- d. avec Stephen E. Margolis, Network Effects and Externalities, In: The New Palgraves Dictionary of Economics and the Law, MacMillan, 1998, Vol. 2, 671-675
- e. avec Theodore Day, Mortgage Lending to Minorities: Where’s the Bias?, Economic Inquiry, January, pp1–27
- 1999, avec Stephen E. Margolis, "Winners, Losers and Microsoft: Competition and Antitrust in High Technology", Oakland CA: Independent Institute
- 2000,
- a. avec Stephen E. Margolis, Path Dependence, In: Encyclopedia of Law and Economics, Edward Elgar, pp981-999
- b. Windows and the ‘Applications Barrier to Entry’: Fact or Fantasy?, CEI OnPoint, n°56, January 18
- c. Should Microsoft be broken Up: No (Counterpoint to a "Yes" column by Ralph Nader), The Dallas Morning News, January 30
- 2001,
- An Expensive Pig in a Poke: Estimating the Costs of the District Court’s Proposed Breakup of Microsoft, George Mason Law Review, 3 Volume 9, Spring, pp727-760
- avec Stephen E. Margolis, Network Effects and the Microsoft Case, In: Dynamic Competition and Public Policy: Technology, Innovation, and Antitrust Issues, Jerry Ellig, Dir., Cambridge University Press
- 2008, Anatomy of a Train Wreck Causes of the Mortgage Meltdown, Independent Policy Report, 3 octobre
- 2009,
- a. "Anatomy of a Train Wreck: Causes of the Mortgage Meltdown", In: Randall Holcombe et Benjamin Powell, dir., "Housing America: Building Out of a Crisis", Somerset, NJ: Transaction Publishers
- b. "ARMs, Not Subprimes, Caused the Mortgage Crisis", The Economists' Voice, vol 6, n°12
Littérature secondaire
- 2000, Didier Calcei, commentaire du livre de Stan J. Liebowitz et de Stephen E. Margolis, Winners, Losers and Microsoft. Competition and Antitrust in High Technology, Journal des économistes et des études humaines, Vol 10, n°1, mars
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