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Kevin Dowd
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Kevin Dowd | |||||
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Tendance | Free banking | ||||
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Articles internes | Autres articles sur Kevin Dowd | ||||
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Kevin Dowd est professeur à l'université de Nottingham. Il a obtenu ses premiers diplômes en 1980 (MA à Western Ontario) et en 1981 (BA à Sheffield). Il a reçu son doctorat en 1988 à l'université de Sheffield. Il est spécialiste dans les systèmes de retraite et d'assurance, de la gestion des risques, de l'économie monétaire dont le Free banking.
De 1988 à 1989
- 1988,
- a. Option Clauses and the Stability of a Laisser Faire Monetary System, Journal of Financial Services Research 1, 4, December, pp319-333
- b. "Private Money: The Path to Monetary Stability", London: Institute of Economic Affairs
- c. "Automatic Stabilizing Mechanisms under Free Banking", Cato Journal, Vol 7, pp643-659
- 1989,
- a. "The State and the Monetary System", New York: St. Martin’s Press
- b. The case against a European Central Bank, The World Economy, 12 (3), pp361-372
De 1990 à 1999
- 1990, "Did central banks evolve naturally? A review essay of Charles Goodhart’s The Evolution of Central Banks", Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 37 (1), February, pp96–104
- 1991, "The Evolution of Central Banking in England, 1821–90", In: F. Capie, G. E. Wood, dir., "Unregulated Banking: Chaos or Order?", London: Macmillan
- 1992,
- a. avec M. Lewis, dir., "Current Issues in Monetary Theory and Policy", London, Macmillan
- b. dir., "The Experience of Free Banking", London: Routledge
- c. "Models of Banking Instability: A Partial Review of the Literature", Journal of Economic Surveys, 6 (2), pp107–132
- d. "Introduction: the experience of free banking", In: Kevin Dowd, dir., "The Experience of Free Banking", London, Routledge, pp1-6
- Repris en 2023, "Introduction: the experience of free banking", In: Kevin Dowd, dir., "The Experience of Free Banking", London, The Institute of economic affairs, pp1-12
- e. "Free banking in Australia", In: Kevin Dowd, dir., "The Experience of Free Banking", London, Routledge, pp48-78
- Repris en 2023, "Free banking in Australia", In: Kevin Dowd, dir., "The Experience of Free Banking", London, The Institute of economic affairs, pp50-80
- f. "US banking in the ‘free banking’ period", In: Kevin Dowd, dir., "The Experience of Free Banking", London, Routledge, pp206-240
- Repris en 2023, "US banking in the ‘free banking’ period", In: Kevin Dowd, dir., "The Experience of Free Banking", London, The Institute of economic affairs, pp332-363
- 1993,
- a. Money and the Market: What Role for Government?, Cato Journal, 12 (3), Winter, pp557—76
- b. "Laissez-Faire Banking", London: Routledge
- Edition Paperback en 1996
- c. avec David Greenaway, "Currency Competition, Network Externalities and Switching Costs: Towards an Alternative View of Optimum Currency Areas", The Economic Journal, vol 103, pp1180-1189
- 1994,
- a. Competitive Banking, Bankers’ Clubs, and Bank Regulation, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 26, pp289–308
- b. The political economy of central banking, Critical Review, 8 (1), pp49-60
- c. "The Costs of Inflation and Disinflation", Cato Journal, vol 14, n°2, pp305-331
- 1996,
- a. "Competition and Finance: A New Interpretation of Financial and Monetary Economics", Basingstoke and New York, Macmillan Press & St Martin's Press
- b. Private Money: The Path to Monetary Stability, London, Hobart Paper No. 112 Institute of Economic Affairs, Second Edition
- c. dir., The Experience of Free Banking, London, Routledge
- d. The Case for Financial Laissez-Faire, The Economic Journal, Vol. 106, n°436, may, pp679-687
- e. The Analytics of Bimetallism, The Manchester School, Vol 64, n°3, pp281-297
- f. Costly Verification and Banking, Oxford Economic Papers, Vol 48 (4), pp601-617
- 1997,
- a. "The Regulation of Bank Capital Adequacy", In, Roger Koppl et Steven Horwitz, dir., "Advances in Austrian Economics, Vol 4", Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp95-110
- b. Anarchy, Warfare and Social Order: Comment on Hirshleifer, Journal of Political Economy, Vol 105, 3, pp648-651
- c. avec D. Chappell, "A Simple Model of the Gold Standard", Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Vol.29, 1, pp94-105
- 1998,
- a. Beyond Value at Risk: The New Science of Risk Management, Chichester & New York, Wiley & Sons
- b. avec Richard Timberlake, dir., Money and The Nation State: The Financial Revolution, Government and The World Monetary System, New Brunswick, NJ, Transaction (under the auspices of the Independent Institute), Foreword Miller, Merton H.
- c. The 'Battle of the Systems': A Comment on Tilly, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, Vol.154 (1), pp39-43
- 1999,
- a. Does Asymmetric Information Justify Bank Capital Adequacy Regulation?, The CATO Journal, Vol. 19, No. 1: 39-47
- b. Participation in Civil Society, In: D. Campbell et N. D. Lewis, dir., Promoting Participation: Law & Politics?, London & Syndey, Cavendish Publishing Ltd, pp31-43
- c. Too Big to Fail? Long-Term Capital Management and the Federal Reserve, Cato Institute Briefing Paper n°52, 23 septembre
De 2000 à 2009
- 2000,
- a. "Money and The Market: Essays on Free Banking", London & New York, Routledge, Hardback
- b. Are Free Markets the Cause of Financial Instability?, Critical Review, Vol.14 (1), pp.57-67
- c. Using Futures Prices to Control Inflation: Reply to Garrison and White, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Vol.32 (1), pp.142-145
- d. avec B. Harrison, "The Gibson Paradox and the Gold Standard: Evidence from the United Kingdom, 1821-1913", Applied Economics Letters, Vol.7, n°11, pp711-713
- e. "Bank Capital Adequacy Versus Deposit Insurance", Journal of Financial Services Research, 17(1), pp7–15
- 2001,
- a. Central Banks: Who Needs Them?, Policy Options, pp.37-40
- b. Estimating the Failure Probabilities of Financial Institutions: A Simple Approach, Journal of Risk Finance, Vol.2 (4), pp.33-38
- c. The Emergence of Fiat Money: A Reconsideration, Cato Journal, Vol.20 (3), pp.467-476
- d. avec D. Cronin, "Does Monetary Policy Have a Future?", Cato Journal, Vol.21 (2), pp.227-244
- 2002,
- a. An Introduction to Market Risk Measurement, Chichester and New York, John Wiley & Sons, Paperback
- b. Measuring Market Risk, Chichester and New York, John Wiley & Sons, Hardback
- Seconde édition en 2005, Chichester and New York, John Wiley and Sons
- c. avec D. Chappell, "The Optimal Extraction of a Privately Owned Renewable Resource", The Mathematical Scientist, Vol.27 (2), pp.75-79
- 2003, commentaire du livre de Robert J. Shiller, "The New Financial Order: Risk in the 21st Century", Cato journal, Vol 23, n°2, fall, pp335-340
- 2004, "The Inflation 'Fan Charts': An Evaluation", Greek Economic Review, Vol.23 (1), pp. 99-111
- 2005,
- a. Competition and Finance: A New Interpretation of Financial and Monetary Economics, (Chinese Language Edition), China Renmin University Press
- b. avec C. Blanco, R. Mark, "Art or Science?", Futures and Options World, Vol. May 2005, pp50-53
- c. avec C. Blanco, R. Mark, "Russian Roulette", Futures and Options World, Vol. April 2005, pp. 45 - 48
- 2006, "How to Become a Good Financial Engineer", Financial Engineering News, Vol.47 (January-February), 13, 16
- 2009, Moral Hazard and the Financial Crisis, Cato Journal, Vol 29, n°1, Winter, pp141-166
De 2010 à 2019
- 2010,
- a. avec Martin Hutchinson, "Alchemists of Loss: How modern finance and government intervention crashed the financial system", New York: Wiley
- b. avec Martin Hutchinson, "Reawakening the Inflationary Monster: U.S. Monetary Policy and the Federal Reserve", Hoboken: NJ, John Wiley and Sons, pp475-482
- 2015, "Free Banking", In: Peter Boettke et Christopher Coyne, dir., "The Oxford Handbook in Austrian Economics", Oxford University Press, pp213-246
Chapitres dans des livres
- 2003, "Free Banking", in Mullineux, A.; Murindes, V. (ed) Handbook of International Banking, pp.173-190, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar
- 2002, "Gold Standard", in Snowdon, B.; Vane, H. (ed) An Encyclopaedia of Macroeconomics, pp.293-296, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar
- 2002, "Time Inconsistency", in Snowdon, B.; Vane, H. (ed) An Encyclopaedia of Macroeconomics, pp.699-703, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar
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