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Gary Libecap (bibliographie)
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Cet article présente la liste des œuvres de Gary Libecap, de façon aussi exhaustive que possible. Pour une présentation de l'auteur et de sa pensée, voir l'article dédié.
De 1978 à 1989
- 1978,
- a. The Evolution of Private Mining Rights: Nevada's Comstock Lode. New York: Arno Press/New York Times
- b. Economic Variables and the Development of the Law: The Case of Western Mineral Rights, Journal of Economic History, Vol 38, June, pp338—362
- Repris en 1996, In: Lee Alston, Thrainn Eggertsson et Douglass North, dir., Empirical Studies in Institutional Change, Cambridge University Press
- c. Federal Mineral Policy, the General Mining Law of 1872: A Note, Natural Resources Journal, July
- 1979,
- a. The Use of Government in Support of Private Claims to Public Minerals, Business History Review, Autumn
- b. avec R. N. Johnson, Property Rights, Nineteenth Century Federal Timber Policy and the Conservation Movement, Journal of Economic History, March
- 1980,
- a. avec R. N. Johnson, Agency Costs and the Assignment of Property Rights: The Case of Southwestern Indian Reservations, Southern Economic Journal, October
- b. avec R. N. Johnson, Legislating Commons: The Navajo Tribal Council and the Navajo Range, Economic Enquiry, January
- c. avec R. N. Johnson, Efficient Markets and Great Lakes Timber: A Conservation Issue Reexamined, Explorations in Economic History, October
- 1981,
- a. Locking Up the Range: Federal Land Use Controls and Grazing. Cambridge: Ballinger
- b. "Bureaucratic Opposition to the Assignment of Property Rights: Overgrazing on the Western Range, Journal of Economic History, March
- c. avec Ronald N. Johnson, "The Navajo and Too Many Sheep: Overgrazing on the Reservation", In: John Baden, Richard Stroup, dir., "Bureaucracy vs Environnment. The Environmental Costs of Bureaucratic Governance", Ann Arbor University of Michigan Press, pp87-107
- 1982,
- a. avec R. N. Johnson, Contracting Problems and Regulation: The Case of the Fishery, American Economic Review, December
- b. avec G. Alter, Agricultural Productivity, Partible Inheritance, and the Demographic Response to Rural Poverty: An Examination of the Spanish Southwest, Explorations in Economic History, April
- 1983,
- a. "Economic Interests of Grazing Permittees", In: J. Smits, dir., "Privatizing the Public Lands", Public Lands Council, pp55-57
- b. "The efficiency case for the assignment of private property rights to federal lands", In: Phillip N. Truluck, dir., "Private rights & public lands", Heritage Foundation é Pacific Institute, pp29-38
- 1984,
- a. avec Steven Wiggins, Contractual Responses to the Common Pool: Prorationing of Crude Oil Production, American Economic Review, 74, March, pp87–98
- b. The Political Allocation of Mineral Rights: A Reevaluation of Teapot Dome, Journal of Economic History, June
- 1985,
- a. avec Steven Wiggins, Oil Field Unitization: Contractual Failure in the Presence of Imperfect Information, American Economic Review, June, 75 (3), pp368-85
- b. avec Steven Wiggins, The Influence of Private Contractual Failure on Regulation: The Case of Oil Field Unitization, Journal of Political Economy, August
- c. The Political Economy of the Establishment of the Interstate Oil Cartel, 1933-1940, Research in Economic History, Supplement 4, The Emergence of the Modern Political Economy
- 1986,
- a. Property Rights in Economic History: Implications for Research, Explorations in Economic History, July
- b. Deregulation as an Investment in Industrial Policy: Comment, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, March
- c. Government Policies Regarding Property Rights to Land: Some U.S. Implications for Agricultural Development in Mexico, Agricultural History, Winter
- 1987, avec S. N. Wiggins, Firm Heterogeneities, Contracting, and Cartelization Efforts in Domestic Crude Oil, Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, April
- 1989,
- a. Contracting for Property Rights. New York: Cambridge University Press
- Traduction en chinois en 1998, China Social Sciences Publishing House, Beijing
- b. The Political Economy of Crude Oil Cartelization in the United States: 1933-1972, Journal of Economic History, December
- c. avec R. N. Johnson, Agency Growth, Salaries, and the Protected Bureaucrat, Economic Inquiry, July
- d. avec R. N. Johnson, Bureaucratic Rules, Supervisor Behavior, and the Effect on Salaries in the Federal Government, Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, April
- e. Distributional Issues in Contracting for Property Rights, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, March
- a. Contracting for Property Rights. New York: Cambridge University Press
De 1990 à 1999
- 1990, Comments on Elinor Ostrom's 'Microconstitutional Change in Multiconstitutional Political Systems', Rationality and Society, January
- 1991,
- a. avec Elizabeth Hoffman, Institutional Choice and the Development of U.S. Agricultural Policies in the 1920s, Journal of Economic History, June
- b. avec R. N. Johnson, Public Sector Employee Voter Participation and Salaries, Public Choice, January
- 1992,
- a. "The Rise of the Chicago Packers and the Origins of Meat Inspection and Antitrust", Economic Inquiry, April, Vol 30, n°2, pp242-262
- b. Bureaucratic Issues and Environmental Concerns: A Review of The History of Federal Land Ownership and Management, Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy
- 1994,
- a. avec Ronald Johnson, The Federal Civil Service System and the Problem of Bureaucracy: The Economics and Politics of Institutional Change, University of Chicago Press and NBER
- b. avec Claudia Goldin, dir. The Political Economy of Regulation: An Historical Analysis of Government and the Economy, University of Chicago Press and NBER
- c. avec Bernardo Mueller, Lee Alston et Robert SchneiderLand, Property Rights, and Privatization in Brazil, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Special Issue
- d. The Conditions for Successful Collective Action, Journal of Theoretical Politics, pp569-598
- Repris In: Robert Keohane et Elinor Ostrom, dir., Local Commons and Global Interdependence, Sage Publications
- e. avec Ronald Johnson, Patronage to Merit and Control of the Federal Government Labor Force, Explorations in Economic History
- f. "Contracting for Property Rights", Cambridge University Press
- 1995,
- a. avec R. N. Johnson, Courts, A Protected Bureaucracy, and Reinventing Government, Arizona Law Review
- b. avec Lee Alston et Robert Schneider, Property Rights and the Preconditions for Markets: The Case of the Amazon Frontier, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics
- c. avec Elizabeth Hoffman, The Failure of Government-Sponsored Cartelization and the Development of Federal Farm Policy, Economic Inquiry
- 1996,
- a. Environmental Regulation and Federalism, Arizona Law Review
- b. avec Lee Alston et Robert Schneider, The Determinants and Impact of Property Rights: Land Titles on the Brazilian Frontier, Journal of Law, Economics and Organization
- c. avec R.N. Johnson, “Reinventing the Federal Civil Service”, In: Gary D. Libecap, dir., Reinventing Government and the Problem of Bureaucracy, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press
- 1997,
- a. commentaire du livre de Bruce Yandle, Land Rights: The 1990’s Property Rights Rebellion, The Independent Review, Vol 1, n°3, winter
- b. “The Great Depression and the Regulating State: Federal Government Regulation of Agriculture: 1884-1970”, In: Michael D. Bordo, Claudia Goldin, et Eugene N. White, dir., The Defining Moment: The Great Depression and the American Economy in the Twentieth Century, Chicago: University of Chicago Press and NBER
- 1998,
- a. Unitization, In: Peter Newman, dir., The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics and the Law
- b. Common Property, In: Peter Newman, dir., The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics and the Law
- c. avec Lee Alston et Bernardo Mueller, “Property Rights and Land Conflict: A Comparison of Settlement of the U.S. Western and Brazilian Amazon Frontiers”, In: John H. Coatsworth et Alan M. Taylor, dir., Latin America and the World Economy since 1800, Cambridge: Harvard University Press
- d. "Distributional and Political Issues in Modifying Traditional Common-Property Institutions", In: Erling Berge, Derek Ott et Nils Chr. Stenseth, dir., Law and the Governance of Renewable Resources, Institute for Contemporary Studies
- 1999,
- a. avec Lee Alston, Bernardo Mueller, "Titles, Conflict and Land Use: The Development of Property Rights and Land Reform on the Brazilian Amazon Frontier", Ann Arbor: MI, University of Michigan Press
- b. avec James Smith, "The Self-Enforcing Provisions of Oil and Gas Unit Operating Agreements: Theory and Evidence", Journal of Law, Economics and Organization
- c. avec Lee Alston et Bernardo Mueller, A Model of Rural Conflict: Violence and Land Reform Policy in Brazil, Environment and Development Economics, 4, pp135-160
- d. avec Barbara Alexander, “Public Choice and the Success of Government-Sponsored Cartels: The Different Experience of New Deal Agricultural and Industrial Policies”, In: Jac C. Heckelman, John C. Moorhouse, Robert Whaples, dir., Public Choice Interpretations of American Economic History, Kluwer Academic Press
De 2000 à 2009
- 2000,
- a. avec Price Fishback et Ed Zajac, dir., Public Choice Essays in Honor of a Maverick Scholar: Gordon Tullock. Kluwer Academic
- b. avec Barbara Alexander, The Effect of Cost Heterogeneity in the Success and Failure of the New Deal’s Agricultural and Industrial Programs, Explorations in Economic History
- c. avec Lee Alston and Bernardo Mueller, Property Rights to Land and Land Reform: Legal Inconsistencies and the Sources of Violent Conflict in the Brazilian Amazon, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
- d. avec A. Charney, "The impact of entrepreneurship education”, In: "Insights: A Kaufman Research Series", Kansas City
- 2001,
- a. The Problem of an Autonomous Bureaucracy in Transitional Economies: Lessons from the American Experience, Journal des Economistes et des Etudes Humaines, Vol 11, n°1, mars
- b. avec James Smith, Regulatory Remedies to the Common Pool: The Limits to Oil Field Unitization, Energy Journal
- c. avec Ronald N. Johnson, Information Distortion and Competitive Remedies in Government Transfer Programs: The Case of Ethanol, The Economics of Governance
- d. “Contracting for Mineral Rights”, In: Svetozar Pejovich, dir., The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics, the Economics of Property Rights, Edward Elgar
- e. "Foreward to Hannes Gissurarson”", Overfishing: The Icelandic Solution, IEA Studies on the Environment, n°17, London: Institute of Economic Affairs
- f. avec Alberta Charney, “An Assessment of the Contribution of Entrepreneurship Education: the Berger Entrepreneurship Program at the University of Arizona, 1985-1999”, In: Gary D. Libecap, dir., Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth in the American Economy, JAI Press
- g. “Property Rights”, In: John Zumerchick,, dir., Macmillan Encyclopedia of Energy, Macmillan Reference, USA
- 2002,
- a. avec Zeynep Hansen, Rain Follows the Plow@ and Dryfarming Doctrine: The Climate Information Problem and Homestead Failure in the Upper Great Plains, 1890-1925, Journal of Economic History
- b. Learning About the Weather: Dryfarming Doctrine and Homestead Failure in Eastern Montana, 1900-1925, Montana: The Magazine of Western History
- c. A Transactions Cost Approach to the Analysis of Property Rights, In: Eric Brousseau et Jean-Michel Glachant, dir., The Economics of Contracts: Theory and Application, Cambridge University Press
- d. avec Ronald N. Johnson, “Information Distortion by Politicians and Constituent Groups in Promoting Regulatory Transfers: The Case of Ethanol”, In: Lars Magnusson et Jan Ottosson, dir., The State, Regulation and the Economy: An Historical Perspective, Edward Elgar Publishers, London
- 2003,
- a. avec Ronald Johnson, Transactions Costs and Coalition Stability Under Majority Rule, Economic Inquiry
- b. avec James Smith, The Economic Evolution of Petroleum Property Rights in the United States, Journal of Legal Studies
- c. avec Alberta Charney, The Contribution of Entrepreneurship Education: A Case Study, International Journal of Entrepreneurship Education
- d. Agricultural Programs with Dubious Environmental Benefits: The Political Economy of Ethanol, In: Roger Meiners et Bruce Yandle, dir., Agricultural Policy and the Environment, Edward Elgar
- e. Mixed Experiences with International Environmental Agreements During the Second Half of the Twentieth Century, In: Welf Werner, dir., Festschrift in Honor of Carl Ludwig Holtfrerich
- f. Property Rights, Natural Resources: Property Rights, Natural Resources: Regulation, Hedges and Fences, Grazing and Ranch Farming, In: Joel Mokyr, dir., Food Processing Industries, Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History, Oxford University Press
- g. "Contracting for property rights", In: Terry L. Anderson, Fred McChesney, dir., "Property Rights in the Firm", Princeton University Press, Princeton, pp142-167
- 2004,
- a. avec Zeynep Hansen, Small Farms, Externalities, and the Dust Bowl of the 1930s, Journal of Political Economy
- b. avec Zeynep Hansen, The Allocation of Property Rights to Land: U.S. Land Policy and Farm Failure in the Great Plains, Explorations in Economic History
- c. avec Zeynep Hansen, The Allocation of Property Rights to Land: U.S. Land Policy and Farm Failure in the Great Plains, Explorations in Economic History
- d. “The Effect of Transaction Costs in the Definition and Exchange of Property Rights: Two Cases from the American Experience”, In: Enrico Colombatto, dir., Companion to the Economics of Property Rights, Edward Elgar Publishers
- e. State Regulation of the Common Pool, In: Claude Ménard et Mary Shirley, dir., The Handbook of the New Institutional Economics, Kluwer Academic Press
- f. Political Constraints on Government Cartelization: The Case of Oil Production Regulation in Texas and Saudi Arabia, In: Peter Grossman, dir., How Cartels Endure and How They Fail: Studies of Industrial Collusion, with James Smith, Edward Elgar
- 2005, “Chinatown” Owens Valley and Western Water Re-Allocation: Getting the Record Straight and What It Means for Water Markets, Texas Law Review
- 2007, The Assignment of Property Rights on the Western Frontier: Lessons for Contemporary Environmental and Resource Policy, Journal of Economic History, 67(2):257-91
- 2009,
- a. avec Dean Lueck, Land Demarcation Systems, In: Kenneth Ayotte et Henry E. Smith, dir., Research Handbook on the Economics of Property Law, Research Handbooks in Law and Economics, Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar
- b. avec Dean Lueck, The demarcation of land and the role of coordinating Institutions, NBER Working Paper 14942, mai
De 2010 à 2019
- 2010, avec Terry Anderson, "The allocation and dissipation of resource rents: implications for fishery reform", In: Donald Leal, dir., "Political Economy of Natural Resource Use: Lessons for Fisheries Reform", World Bank, pp79–95
- 2011,
- a. avec Richard H. Steckel, dir., "The Economics of Climate Change: Adaptations Past and Present", Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press
- b. avec Ragnar Arnason, Terry Anderson, "Efficiency advantages of grandfathering in rights-based fisheries management", Annual Review of Resource Economics, Vol 3, n°1, pp159–179
- 2016, "Coasean bargaining to address environmental externalities", In: Claude Ménard, Elodie Bertrand, dir., "The Elgar Companion to Ronald H. Coase", Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing, Incorporated, pp97-109