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John Baden

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John Baden

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John Baden est un économiste américain, défenseur de l'environnement par l'intermédiaire de la défense du marché.


  • 1972, avec Richard L. Stroup, "Choice, Faith, and Politics", Public Choice, 12, Spring
  • 1977,
    • a. Neospartan Hedonists, Adult Toy Aficionados, and the Rationing of Public Lands, In: Managing the Commons, Garrett Hardin et John Baden, dir., San Francisco: W. H. Freeman, pp241-51
    • b. avec K. Bullock, Communes and the Logic of the Commons Managing the Commons, In: Managing the Commons, Garrett Hardin et John Baden, dir., San Francisco: W.H. Freeman and Co.
  • 1978, avec Richard L. Stroup, ‘The Environmental Costs of Government Action,” Policy Review, 4 (Spring): 23-36
  • 1979,
    • a. avec Richard L. Stroup, ‘Property Rights and Natural Resource Management,” Literature of Liberty 2 (September-December): 5-44
    • b. Subsidized Destruction of Alternative Energy, mimeo, Center for Political Economy and Natural Resources, October
  • 1980,
    • a. avec Richard L. Stroup et Walter Thurman, "Good Intentions and Self-interest: Lessons from the American Indian," in Earth Day Reconsidered, ed. John Baden (Washington, D.C.: The Heritage Foundation), pp. 7-9
    • b. avec Randy Simmons et Rodney D. Fort, “Environmentalists and Self-Interest: How Pure Are Those Who Desire the Pristine?” in Earth Day Reconsidered, ed. John Baden (Washington, D.C.: Heritage Foundation, 1980), pp. 13-29
  • 1981, avec Richard L. Stroup, Saving the Wilderness: A Radical Proposal, Reason 13(July): 28–36
  • 1982,
    • a. The Environmental Impacts of Government Policies, In: John Baden et Richard L. Stroup, Dir., Myths and Management of Natural Resources (Cambridge, Mass.: Ballinger Publishing Co.
    • b. avec Richard L. Stroup, Endowment Areas: A Clearing in the Policy Wilderness?, Cato Journal, 2(Winter), pp91–108
  • 1993, avec Tim O'Brien, Toward A True ESA: An Ecological Stewardship Act, In: Wendy Hudson, dir., Building Economic Incentives into the Endangered Species Act: A Special Report from Defenders of Wildlife, Washington, DC: Defenders of Wildlife, pp95-100

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