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Jeffrey M. Herbener

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Jeffrey M. Herbener

Tendance École autrichienne
Nationalité États-Unis États-Unis
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Interwikis sur Jeffrey M. Herbener

Jeffrey M. Herbener est un économiste américain, chercheur au Ludwig von Mises Institute. Il enseigne au au Grove City College. Libéral et scientifique, il fait partie du bureau éditorial du Journal of Libertarian Studies.


  • 1992,
    • a. "The Fallacy of the Phillips Curve", In: Mark Skousen, dir., "Dissent on Keynes: A Critical Appraisal of Keynesian Economics", New York, NY: Prager, pp51-71
    • b. "The Myths of the Multiplier and the Accelerator". In: Mark Skousen, dir., "Dissent on Keynes: A Critical Appraisal of Keynesian Economics", New York, NY: Prager, pp73-88
    • c. "The role of entrepreneurship in desocialization”, The Review of Austrian Economics, Vol 6, n°1
  • 1999, "Frank A. Fetter: A Forgotten Giant", In: Randall G. Holcombe, dir., "15 Great Austrian Economists", Auburn, AL: Ludwig von Mises Institute, pp123–141
  • 2008, "In Defense of Rothbardian Welfare Economics", New Perspectives on Political Economy, 4 (1), pp53-78

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