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Thomas J. McQuade

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Thomas J. McQuade est un économiste américain. Il a été chercheur visiteur au département d'économie à la New York University aux USA. En 2000, il a soutenu sa thèse "Orders and institutions as objects of investigation" à l'université d'Auburn.


  • 2001, avec William Butos, Mind, Market, and Institutions: the Knowledge Problem in Hayek’s Thought, In: Jack Birner et Thierry Aimar, dir., The Economic and Social Thought of F.A. Hayek, London: Routledge, pp113-133
  • 2007, "Science and Markets as Adaptive Classifying Systems", In: Elisabeth Krecké, Carine Krecké et Roger G. Koppl, dir., Cognition and Economics, Oxford: Elsevier, JAI Press, collection “Advances in Austrian Economics” (vol.9), pp51-86
  • 2010, Science and The Sensory Order, In: Roger Koppl et Steven Horwitz, dir., The Social Science of Hayek's ‘The Sensory Order’ (Advances in Austrian Economics, Volume 13), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp23-56

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