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Thomas Borcherding

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Thomas E. Borcherding est un économiste américain, appartenant à l'école du Public Choice. Il a étudié les raisons de la croissance des dépenses publiques.


  • 1972, avec R. T. Deacon, The demand for the services of non-federal governments, American Economic Review, 62 (5), pp891-901
  • 1979, avec Jack Knetsch, "Expropriation of Private Property and the Basis for Compensation", University of Toronto Law Journal, Vol 29, pp237-252
  • 1981, avec Gary W. Dorosh, "The Egg Marketing Board", Vancouver: Fraser Institute
  • 1982,
    • a. "Toward a Positive Theory of Public Sector Supply Arrangements", In: R. Prichard, dir., "Public Enterprise in Canada", Toronto: Butterworth
    • b. avec B. C. Burnaby, W. W. Pommerehne, F. Schneider, "Comparing the Efficiency of Private and Public Production: The Evidence from Five Countries", Zeitschrift fur Nationalokonomie, Vol 89, pp127–156
  • 1985, "The causes of government expenditure growth: a survey of the U.S. evidence", Journal of Public Economics 28 (3), pp359-382

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