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Henry Manne (bibliographie)

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Cet article présente la liste des œuvres de Henry Manne, de façon aussi exhaustive que possible. Pour une présentation de l'auteur et de sa pensée, voir l'article dédié.

De 1962 à 1969

  • 1962,
    • a. "Corporate Responsibility, Business Motivation, and Reality", The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, September, vol 343, n°1, pp55-64
    • b. "The “higher criticism” of the modern corporation", Columbia Law Review, 63, March, pp399-432
  • 1964, "Some Theoretical Aspects of Share Voting. An Essay in Honor of Adolf A. Berle", Columbia Law Review, Vol 64, n°8 , Dec., pp1427-1445
  • 1966,
    • a. "Insider Trading and the Stock Market", JSD dissertation, Yale University
    • b. Insider Trading and the Stock Market, New York, Free Press
    • c. In Defense of Insider Trading, Harvard Business Review, Vol 44, novembre/décembre, pp113-122
  • 1967,
    • a. Insider Trading and the Administrative Process, George Washington Law Review, Vol 35, pp473-513
    • b. What's So Bad About Insider Trading? Challenge, janvier, Vol 14
    • c. Should Fund Managers Use Inside Information Personally?, The Institutional Investor, mai, 1, 19
    • d. Our Two Corporation Systems: Law and Economics, Virginia Law Review, Vol 53, pp259-284
  • 1968, "Why Tender Offers Should Remain Unregulated", Commercial and Financial Chronicle,23 mai, p12

De 1970 à 1979

  • 1970,
    • a. Good for General Motors, Barron’s, mai 18
    • b. "Insider Trading and the Law Professors", Vanderbilt Law Review, Vol 23, pp547-590
    • c. "A Rejoinder to Mr. Ferber", Vanderbilt Law Review, Vol 23, pp627-630
  • 1971, "The Parable of the Parking Lots", The Public Interest, n°23, Spring
  • 1974,
    • a. avec Ezra Solomon, "Wall Street in Transition: The Emerging System and Its Impact on the Economy", New York, NY: New York University Press
    • b. "Economic Aspects of Required Disclosure under Federal Securities Laws", In: Henry Manne, Ezra Solomon, dir., "Wall Street in Transition: The Emerging System and Its Impact on the Economy", New York, NY: New York University Press, pp22-110
  • 1975,
    • a. avec Roger Miller, dir., "Gold, Money and the Law", Chicago: Aldine Publishing Co.
    • b. dir., The Economics of Legal Relationships: Readings in the Theory of Property Rights. St. Paul: West Publishing

De 1980 à 1989

  • 1981, "Controlling Giant Corporations", Vital Speeches of the Day, Vol 47, n°22, p690
  • 1985,
    • a. "Insider Trading and Property Rights in New Information", Cato Journal, Winter, 4(3), pp933-943
      • Repris en 1987, In: James Dorn et Henry Manne, dir., Economic Liberties and the Judiciary, Fairfax, VA: George Mason University Press, pp317-327
    • b. “The Legal Foundations of a Free Enterprise System”, In: C.E. Aronoff, dir., The Future of Private Enterprise, Vol. 2, Atlanta: CBA
  • 1986, The Real Boesky-Case Issue, The New York Times, novembre 25, A-27, column 1
  • 1987,
    • a. avec James Dorn, dir., "Economic Liberties and the Judiciary", Fairfax, VA: George Mason University Press
    • b. "Intellectual Styles and the Evolution of American Corporation Law", In: Gerard Radnitzky, Peter Bernholz, "Economic imperialism : the economic approach applied outside the field of economics", New York : Paragon House Publishers, pp219-242

De 1990 à 2014