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Peter Aranson (bibliographie)
Cet article présente la liste des œuvres de Peter Aranson, de façon aussi exhaustive que possible. Pour une présentation de l'auteur et de sa pensée, voir l'article dédié.
De 1977 à 1989
- 1977, avec Peter Ordeshook, "A Prolegomenon to a Theory of the Failure of Representative Democracy", In: R. Auster, B. Sears, dir., "American Re-evolution: Papers and Proceedings", Tucson: University of Arizona Press, pp23-46
- 1981,
- a. "Risk, Uncertainty, and Retrospective Voting", Paper prepared for the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, New York City
- b. avec Peter Ordeshook, "Regulation, redistribution, and public choice", Public Choice, Vol 37, n°1, pp69–100
- 1984, "Constitutionalizing the regulatory process, In: Richard B. McKenzie, dir., "Constitutional economics : containing the economic powers of government", Lexington, MA : Lexington books, pp187-206
- 1985,
- a. "Judicial Control of the Political Branches: Public Purpose and Public Law", Cato journal, Vol 4, Winter, pp719-782
- b. avec Peter Ordeshook, "Public Interest, Private Interest, and the Democratic Polity", In: Roger Benjamin, Stephen L. Elfin,, dir., "The Democratic State", Lawrence: The University Press of Kansas
- 1986,
- a. “Economic Efficiency and the Common Law: A Critical Survey”, In: G. Skogh et J.M.G. von der Schulenberg, dir., Law and Economics and the Economics of Legal Regulation. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers
- b. "Normative and Positive Models of Science and Technology Policy", Paper prepared for the Eighth Annual Research Conference of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management. Austin, Texas
- 1987,
- a. "Procedural and Substantive Constitutional Protections of Economic Liberty", Cato journal, Vol 7, Fall, pp345-375
- b. "Calculus and Consent", In: Charles Rowley, dir., "Democracy and Public Choice, Essays in Honor of Gordon Tullock", Oxford: Basil Blackwell, pp60-65
- c. "Judicial Control of the Political Branches: Public Purpose and Public Law", In: James A. Dorn, Henry G. Manne, dir., "Economic Liberties and the Judiciary", Fairfax, VA: George Mason University Press, pp47-110
- 1988,
- a. "Bruno Leoni in Retrospect", Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, Vol 11, no. 3 (Summer), pp661-
- b. “Procedural and Substantive Constitutional Protection of Economic Liberties”, In: James Gwartney, Richard E. Wagner, dir., Public Choice and Constitutional Economics, Greenwich, Conn.: JAI Press, pp285—313
- 1989,
- a. "The Democratic Order and Public Choice", In: Geoffrey Brennan et Loren Lomasky, dir., Politics and Process: New Essays in Democratic Thought, New York: Cambridge University Press, pp97-148
- b. "Incrementalism, Asymmetric Information, and, Agendas for Science and Technology", Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society
- c. "The political ideology of the professoriat", In: Roger Meiners, Ryan C. Amacher, dir., "Federal Support of Higher Education: The Growing Challenge to Intellectual Freedom", New York: Professors World Peace Academy, pp139-162
De 1990 à 1999
- 1990,
- a. "Theories of Economic Regulation: From Clarity to Confusion", J. L. & Pol., Vol 6, n°247
- b. "Rational Ignorance in Politics, Economics, and Law", Journal des Economistes et des Etudes Humaines, Hiver, Vol 1, n°1, pp25-42
- c. "Federalism", Cato Journal, Vol 10, n°1, pp1-15
- 1991,
- a. "Calhoun’s Constitutional Economics", Constitutional Political Economy, Vol 2, pp31-52
- b. Federalism at the Founding, Liberty Fund, Bad Homburg, May
- c. avec C. C. Curran et J. F. Curran, “Predatory Pricing in the European Community: Reflections from the American Experience”, Paper prepared for the Eighth Annual Conference of the European Association of Law and Economics, Copenhagen
- 1992, “The Common Law as Central Economic Planning”, Constitutional Political Economy, Vol 3, n°3, fall, pp.289-319
- 1999, “Wealth Increasing law, with Applications to Egypt”, In: ECES, ‘Growth Beyond Stabilization: Prospects for Egypt’, Conference Proceedings.
De 2000 à 2009
- 2001, avec Sahar M. Tohamy, “Privatization: A Positive Analysis with Extensions to the MENA Region”, In: Merih Celasun, dir., State-Owned Enterprises in the Middle East and North Africa: Privatization, Performance, and Reform. London and New York: Routledge Studies in Development Economics
- 2003, avec Soumaya M. Tohamy et Hashem Dezhbakhsh, "A New Approach for Testing Budgetary Incrementalism,Journal of Politics, Vol. 65, No. 2 (May), pp532-558
- 2006, avec Soumaya M. Tohamy, Hashem Dezhbakhsh, "A New Theory of the Budgetary Process", Economics & Politics, March, Vol 18, n°1, pp47-70