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m (→De 1921 à 1925) |
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** h. "Karl[Carl] Menger", Neues Wiener Abendblatt, n°55:56, 26 février, pp1-2 | ** h. "Karl[Carl] Menger", Neues Wiener Abendblatt, n°55:56, 26 février, pp1-2 | ||
* [[1922]], [http://www.wissensnavigator.com/documents/Mises_Gemeinwirtschaft.pdf "Die Gemeinwirtschaft: Untersuchungen uber den Sozialismus"], Gustav Fischer, Jena | * [[1922]], [http://www.wissensnavigator.com/documents/Mises_Gemeinwirtschaft.pdf "Die Gemeinwirtschaft: Untersuchungen uber den Sozialismus"], Jena: Gustav Fischer | ||
** Traduction en anglais en [[1951]], [http://mises.org/books/socialism.pdf Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis] | ** Seconde édition révisée en [[1932]], Die Gemeinwirtschaft: Untersuchungen über den Sozialismus. Jena: Gustav Fischer, avec une nouvelle annexe, "Neue Beiträge zum Problem der sozialistischen Wirtschaftsrechnung" | ||
** Traduction en anglais par J. Kahane, en [[1936]], "Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis", London: Jonathan Cape | |||
*** Nouvelle édition en anglais, élargie en [[1969]], London: Jonathan Cape | |||
*** Nouvelle édition en anglais, en [[1981]], Indianapolis: Liberty Fund | |||
** Traduction en français en [[1938]], par Paul Bastier, André Terrasse et François Terrasse, "Le Socialisme: Étude économique et sociologique", Paris: Librarie de Médicis, préface de François Perroux | |||
** Traduction en espagnol en [[1961]], par Luis Montes de Oca, "El Socialismo: Análisis Económico y Sociológico", Mexico: Editorial Hermes, préface de Gustavo R. Velasco | |||
*** Seconde édition en espagnole en 1968, "El Socialismo: Análisis Económico y Sociológico", Buenos Aires: Centro Naval, Instituto de Publicaciones Navales | |||
*** Nouvelle édition élargie et révisée, en anglais, en [[1951]], [http://mises.org/books/socialism.pdf Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis], New Haven: Yale University Press | |||
** Traduction en polonais en [[2009]], par Stefan Sękowski, ''Socjalizm'', Arcana | ** Traduction en polonais en [[2009]], par Stefan Sękowski, ''Socjalizm'', Arcana | ||
Reprint of the 1932 German edition: Die Gemeinwirtschaft: Untersuchungen über den Sozialismus with a new Foreword by Christian Watrin. Munich: Philosophia Verlag, 1981. As this edition was photo-offset, it does not include Mises' revisions for the 1936 English, 1938 French and later editions, nor the Epilogue, first included in the 1951 edition. | |||
Spanish language reprint: Socialismo: Análisis Económico y Sociológico. 3rd Spanish edition. Translation of Luis Montes de Oca. With a new Preface by Alberto Benegas Lynch. New York: Western Books Foundation,n.d.(1989). Published under the auspices of the Centro de Estudios sobre la Libertad(Buenos Aires). | |||
A down-sized reprint(6"x 9") of the Liberty Fund(1981) edition. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, n.d.(1989). | |||
Italian translation: Socialismo: Analisi Economica e Sociologica. Edited by Dario Antiseri. Preface by Dario Antiseri. Milan: Rusconi, 1990. Translation of the English-language Liberty Fund(1981) edition including Hayek's Introduction. | |||
Unabridged audiotape version: Socialism. Read by Bernard Mayes. Ashland, Ore.: Clasics on Tape, 1990. 18 cassettes. | |||
Russian translation by Boris Pinsker. Moscow(Russia): Catallaxy, 1994. | |||
See also "Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth." | |||
Translation of the English-language Liberty Fund(1981) edition including Hayek's Introduction. Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, e-text Edition 2000. | |||
"Inflation und Geldknappheit: Gegen eine weitere Verwendung der Notenpresse" [Inflation and the Shortage of Money: Against the Continued Use of the Printing Press]. Neue Freie Presse. #20666(March 11, 1922)2. | |||
"Das österreichische Währungsproblem vor 30 Jahren und heute: ein Gedenkblatt" [The Austrian Monetary Problem Thirty Years Ago and Today: A Commentary]. Neue Freie Presse. #20672(March 17, 1922)2. | |||
"Die alte und die neue Notenbank" [The Old and the New Bank of Issue]. Österreichische Revue. (December 25, 1922). | |||
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Review of Wm.F. Spalding's Eastern Exchange, Currency and Finance (3rd ed., 1920) Zeitschrift für Volkswirtschaft und Sozialpolitik. N.F.[New Series] 2:1-3(1922)169-70. | |||
Review of Hugo C.M. Wendel's The Evolution of Industrial Freedom in Prussia, 1845-1849 (1921). Zeitschrift für Volkswirtschaft und Sozialpolitik. N.F.[New Series]2:4-6(1922)367. | |||
* [[1923]], Die geldtheoretische Seite des Stabilisierungsproblems, [Stabilization of the Monetary Unit - From the Viewpoint of Theory], Munich & Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot | * [[1923]], Die geldtheoretische Seite des Stabilisierungsproblems, [Stabilization of the Monetary Unit - From the Viewpoint of Theory], Munich & Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot |