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Naomi Moldofsky

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Naomi Moldofsky

Tendance Centre for Independent Studies
Nationalité Australie Australie
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Naomi Moldofsky est enseignante en économie à l'Université de Melbourne en Australie. En 1969, elle soutient sa thèse à l'Université de McGill sur le sujet : "The Economic Adjustment of North African Jewish Immigrants in Montreal". Elle est membre de la Société du Mont-Pèlerin et du conseil administratif du think tank australien (Centre for Independent Studies dans le New South Wales).


  • 1972, Planning in immigration? The Canadian experience, Australian Journal of International Affairs, Vol 26, n°1, pp67-82
  • 1982, Market Theoretical Frameworks-Which One?, The Economic Record, vol. 58, n°161, pp152-68
  • 1985, Open Society: Hayek vs. Popper?, Economic Affairs, Vol 5, n°3, April, pp38-43
  • 1987, "The Unification of Science Through the Economic Approach - Fact or Fiction?", In: Gerard Radnitzky, dir., Centripetal Forces in the Sciences, Vol I, New York: Paragon House, ISBN 0-89226-047-5
  • 1989,
    • a. dir., Order — With or Without Design? Excerpts from the Writings of Friedrich A. Hayek, London: Centre for Research into Communist Economies
    • b. “The Problems Reconsidered, 1920-1989”, In: Naomi Moldofsky, dir., "Order—With or Without Design? Excerpts from the Writings of Friedrich A. Hayek, London: : Centre for Research into Communist Economies

Littérature secondaire

  • 1987, Peter Bernholz, "Comment on Moldofsky's text" (Naomi Moldofsky: "The Unification of Science Through the Economic Approach - Fact or Fiction?"), In: Gerard Radnitzky, dir., Centripetal Forces in the Sciences, Vol I, New York: Paragon House, ISBN: 0892260475

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