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Discussion:Charles K. Rowley
En cours de classement
Constitutional Political Economy in a Public Choice Perspective, Dordrecht and Boston: Kluwer
Academic Publishers (Edited) 1997.
Classical Liberalism and Civil Society. Aldershot and Lyme: Edward Elgar Publishing (Edited)
The Economics of Budget Deficits, Volumes I and II, Edited (with William F. Shughart and
Robert D. Tollison). Edward Elgar Publishing 2002.
The British Monopolies Commission Routledge Classic Books Series, 2003.
The Encyclopedia of Public Choice, Volumes I and II, Edited (with Friedrich Schneider). Kluwer
Academic Publishers, 2004.
‘Pollution and Public Policy’ in A.J. Culyer (Ed.) Economic Policies and Social Goals, Martin
Robertson 1974.
‘Mergers and Public Policy in Great Britain’ in W. Moskoff (Ed.) Comparative National
Economic Policies D.C. Heath 1973.
‘The Economics of Energy Policy’ in R. Grant and G.K. Shaw (Eds.) Current Issues in
Economic Policy Philip Allan 1975.
‘Technical Efficiency and Steel Nationalisation’ in D. Mueller (Ed.) Economics of Industrial
Structure, Volume I, International Institute of Management, Berlin 1975.
‘Public Preferences for Market Processes’ in A. Seldon (Ed.) Catch '76 Institute of Economic
Affairs Occasional Paper 47, 1976.
‘Competition in the Product Markets’ in T. Wilson and A. Skinner (Eds.) The Market and the
State, Oxford University Press 1976.
‘Taxing in the International Labour Market’ in A. Seldon (Ed.) The State of Taxation, Institute of
Economic Affairs, Readings 16, 1977
‘Efficiency in the Public Sector’ in C. Bowe (Ed.) Industrial Efficiency and the Role of
Government, H.M.S.O. London 1977.
‘The Economics and Politics of Extortion’ in A. Seldon (Ed.) Trade Unions: Public Goods or
Public Bads, Institute of Economic Affairs Readings 17, 1977.
‘Market Failure and Government Failure’ in A. Seldon (Ed.) The Economics of Politics, Institute
of Economic Affairs Readings 18,1978.
‘Prologue’ in S.N.S. Cheung The Myth of Social Cost, Institute of Economic Affairs, Hobart
Paper 82, 1978.
‘Buying Out the Obstructors?’ in A. Seldon (Ed.) The Taming of Government, Institute of
Economic Affairs, Readings 21, 1979.
‘Government Failure and Market Failure’ in D. da Empoli (Ed.) La Scuola di Public Choice
Fondationi Luigi Einaudi, Rome 1979.
‘Pareto Optimality and the Political Economy of Liberalism’ (with A.T. Peacock) in A.T.
Peacock (Ed.) The Economic Analysis of Government, Martin Robertson 1980.
‘Welfare Economics and the Public Regulation of Natural Monopoly’ (with A.T. Peacock) in
A.T. Peacock (Ed.) The Economic Analysis of Government, Martin Robertson 1980.
‘The Economics of Energy Policy’ in R. Grant and G.K. Shaw (Ed.) Current Issues in Economic
Policy, Philip Allan 1980.
‘The Economics of Pollution’The Public Interest, Irish Management Institute 1981, pp. 63-68.
‘Industrial Policy in the Mixed Economy’ in The Lord Roll of Ipsden (Ed.) The Mixed Economy
Macmillan 1982 (paperback 1984).
‘The Political Economy of the Public Sector’ in R.B. Jones (Ed.) Perspectives on Political
Economy, Francis Pinter 1983.
‘Postwar Intervention by Government in Britain’: A Public Choice Perspective in A. Seldon
(Ed.) Agenda for Social Democracy, Institute of Economic Affairs, Hobart Paperback, No. 15,
‘Antitrust and Economic Efficiency’ in A.I. Ogus and C.E. Veljanovski (Eds.) Readings in the
Economics of Law and Regulation, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1984.
‘Toward a Theory of Bureaucratic Behaviour’ (with R. Elgin) in D. Greenaway and G.K. Shaw
(Eds.) Public Choice, Public Finance and Public Policy, Basil Blackwell 1985.
‘The Relationship Between Economics, Politics and Law in the Formation of Public Policy’ in
R.C.O. Matthews (Ed.) Economy and Democracy, Macmillan 1985.
‘Rules versus Discretion in Constitutional Design’ in D. Laidler (Ed.) Responses to Economic
Change, University of Toronto Press 1986, pp.75-106.
‘Government by Red Ink’ (with J.M. Buchanan and R.D. Tollison) in Deficits B. Blackwell
1987, pp.3-8.
‘Classical Political Economy and the Debt Issue’ in Deficits, edited by James M. Buchanan
Charles K. Rowley and Robert D. Tollison), (supra) 1987, pp. 49-74.
‘John Maynard Keynes and the Attack on Classical Political Economy’ in Deficits (supra),
1987,. pp. 114-142.
‘The Legacy of Keynes: From the General Theory to Generalized Budget Deficits’ in Deficits
(supra), 1987, pp. 143-172.
‘Interest Groups and Deficits’ (with William F. Shughart II and Robert D. Tollison), in Deficits
(supra), 1987, pp. 263-280.
‘The Constitutional Route to Effective Budgetary Reform’ in Deficits (supra), 1987, pp. 391-
'L'equilibre entre des reglements et la discretion dans l'elaboration d'une constitution' in D
Laidler (Ed.) "Les reactions au changement economique' Commission royale sur l'union
economique et les perspectives du developpement du Canada 1986, pp. 87-122.
‘The Efficiency of the Common Law: A New Institutional Economics Perspective’ (with W.
Brough) in R. Pethig and U. Schlieper (Eds.) Efficiency, Institutions and Economic Policy
Springer Verlag 1987, pp.103-123.
‘A Public Choice Perspective on Judicial Pragmativism’ in J. Dorn and H. Manne (Eds.)
Economic Liberties and the Judiciary George Mason University Press 1987, pp. 219-224.
‘Jean-Charles de Borda and the Method of Marks’ in The New Palgrave (edited by J. Eatwell,
M. Milgate and P. Newman), Macmillan 1987, pp. 262-263.
'Introduction' in C.K. Rowley (Ed.) Democracy and Public Choice, B. Blackwell 1987, pp. 1-8.
‘Natural Economist or Popperian Logician’ in C.K. Rowley (Ed.) Democracy and Public Choice
(supra),1987, 20-26.
‘The Calculus of Consent’ in C.K. Rowley (Ed.) Democracy and Public Choice, (supra), 1987,
pp. 41-59.
‘A Political Economy of Budget Deficits’, (with M. Monaco) in C.K. Rowley (Ed.) Democracy
and Public Choice, (supra), 1987, pp. 223-242.
‘Rent-Seeking Versus Directly Unproductive Profit-Seeking’ in C.K. Rowley, R.D. Tollison and
G. Tullock (Eds.) The Political Economy of Rent Seeking Martinus Nijhoff 1988, pp. 15-26.
‘Dis-spelling the Disinterest in Deregulation’ (with M.A. Crew) in The Political Economy of
Rent Seeking, (supra), 1988, pp. 163-178.
‘Government and its Bureaucracy: A Bilateral Bargaining versus a Principal-Agent Approach’
(with R. Elgin) in The Political Economy of Rent Seeking, (supra), 1988, pp. 267-290.
‘Rent Seeking in Constitutional Perspective’ in The Political Economy of Rent Seeking, (supra),
1988, pp. 447-464.
‘Rent Seeking and Trade Protection’ (with R.D. Tollison) in The Political Economy of Rent
Seeking (supra), 1988, pp. 217-240.
‘Introduction’ (with Gordon Tullock) in The Political Economy of Rent-Seeking, (supra), 1988,
pp. 3-14
‘Public Choice and the Economic Analysis of the Law’ in N. Mercuro (Ed.) Law and
Economics: Kluwer Academic Press 1989, pp. 123-174.
‘Feasibility of Deregulation: A Public Choice Analysis’ (with M.A. Crew) in M.A. Crew (Ed.)
Deregulation and Public Utility Diversification Kluwer Academic Press 1989, pp. 5-20.
‘Bagging the Mail’, in Crew, M.A. and Kleindorfer, P.(Eds.) Competition and Innovation in
Postal Service Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1991, pp. 109-114.
‘The Supreme Court and Takings Judgements: Constitutional Political Economy versus Public
Choice’, in N. Mercuro (Ed.) Taking Property and Just Compensation; Law and Economics
Perspectives of the Takings Issue, Kluwer Academic Publishing, 1992, pp. 79-124.
‘The Role of the Congress and the Executive in US Trade Policy Determination’ (with
W.Thorbecke) in M. Hilfe and E.U. Petersman (Eds.) National Constitutions and International
Economic Law, Kluwer Academic Publishing 1993, pp. 347-369.
‘Snake Oil Economics versus Public Choice’ (with M.A. Vachris) in C.K. Rowley (Ed.) Public
Choice Theory Vol.III, Edward Elgar Publishing, 1993, pp. 573-584.
‘Introduction’ in C.K. Rowley (Ed.) Social Choice Theory, Edward Elgar Publishing, 1993, pp.
‘Introduction’ in C.K. Rowley (Ed.) Public Choice Theory Edward Elgar Publishing, 1993, pp.
‘The Limits to Democracy’ in C.K. Rowley (Ed.) Property Rights and the Limits of Democracy.
Edward Elgar Publishing. 1993.
‘Devletin Tenel Gorevini Yenne Getirmedeki Basarisizligi (The Failure of Government to
Perform its Proper Task)’. in A. Eker and C.C. Aktan (Eds.) Ozellestirmi, Izmir; Turkey 1993.
pp. 103-136.
‘Public Choice Economics’ in P.J. Boettke (Ed.) Elgar Companion in Austrian Economics.
Aldershot: Edward Elgar Publishing 1994. pp. 285-293.
‘El Legado de Keynes: De La Teoria General A Los Deficits Presupuestanus Generelizados’ in
A.C. Branadino and M.A.G. Martin (Eds). Lecturas Sobre Politica Fiscal. Madrid: Instituto de
Estudios Fiscales 2, 1994: 567-600.
‘A Public and Social Choice Perspective’ in P. Foss (Ed.) Economic Approaches to
Organizations. Dartmouth Publishing Co. 1995. pp 63-104.
"What is Living and What is Dead in Classical Liberalism", in C.K. Rowley (Ed.) The Political
Economy of the Minimal State. Edward Elgar Publishing. 1996. pp. 1-23.
"Congressional influence over decision-making at the ITC" (with Willem Thorbecke) in J. Casas
Pardo and F. Schneider (Eds.) Current Issues in Public Choice. Edward Elgar Publishing 1996.
pp. 189-199.
‘The Virginia School of Political Economy’ (with Michelle A. Vachris) in: Fred E. Foldvary, dir., Beyond Neoclassical Economics: Heterodox Approaches to Economic Theory (Edward Elgar Publishing), 1996, pp. 61-82.
‘Institutional Choice and Public Choice: Lessons for the Third World’ in James A. Dorn, Steve
H. Hanke and Alan A. Walters (Eds). The Revolution in Development Economics. The Cato
Institute. 1998. pp. 127-146
‘On the Nature of Civil Society’ in C.K. Rowley (Ed). Classical Liberalism and Civil Society.
Edward Elgar Publishing 1998.
‘Introduction: The relevance of public choice for constitutional political economy’. in C.K.
Rowley (Ed). Constitutional Political Economy in a Public Choice Perspective. Kluwer
Academic Publishers 1997. pp. 1-10.
'Rent Seeking and Rent Extraction from the Perspective of Africa' in J.M. Mbaku and M.S.
Kimenyi (eds.) Institutions and Collective Choice in Developing Countries: Applications of the
Theory of Public Choice, Edward Elgar Publishing, 1998, pp. 223-254.
‘Rent Seeking and Rent Extraction from the Perspective of Africa’ in J.M. Mbaku and M.S.
Kimenyi (eds) Institutions and Collective Choice in Developing Countries: Applications of the
Theory of Public Choice Ashgate Publishing, 1998, pp. 223-254.
‘The Nobel Laureates: Milton Friedman, George J. Stigler, James M. Buchanan, Ronald H.
Coase and Gary S. Becker’ in Richard M. Ebeling (ed) The Age of Economists: From Adam
Smith to Milton Friedman. Champions of Freedom, Volume 26, Hillsdale College Press, 1999,
‘Political Culture and Economic Performance in Sub-Saharan Africa’ in P.V. Fishback, G.D.
Libecap and E. Zajac (eds.) Public Choice Essays in Honor of a Maverick Scholar: Gordon
Tullock. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000, 29-52.
‘Budget Deficits and the Size of Government in the UK and US: A Public Choice Perspective on
the Thatcher and Reagan Years” in K. Alec Chrystal and Rupert Pennant-Rea (eds) Public
choice Analysis of Economic Policy, Macmillan 2000, pp. 20-58.
‘Constitutional Political Economy and Civil Society’ in R. Mudambi, P. Navarra and G. Sobbrio
(eds.) Rules & Reason: Perspectives on Constitutional Political Economy. Cambridge:
University of Cambridge Press, 2001, pp. 69-96.
‘The international economy in public choice perspective’ in W.F.Shughart II and L. Razzolini
(eds.) The Elgar Companion to Public Choice. Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, USA:
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2001, pp. 645-672.
‘Introduction’ (with W.F. Shughart and R. D. Tollison). The Economics of Budget Deficits,
Volume I, (edited by Charles K. Rowley, William F. Shughart, II and Robert D. Tollison).
Edward Elgar Publishing 2002, xiii-xlviii.
‘Overview to The History and Measurement of Deficits’ (with William F. Shughart II and Robert
D. Tollison) The Economics of Budget Deficits Volume I, (supra), 2002, 3-5.
‘Overview to Classical Public Debt Theory’ (with William F. Shughart II and Robert D.
Tollison) The Economics of Budget Deficits, Volume I, (supra), 2002, 123-125.
‘Overview to Keynesian Public Debt Theory’, (with William F. Shughart, II and Robert D.
Tollison) The Economics of Budget Deficits Volume I, (supra), 205-207.
‘Overview to The Burden of the debt Re-Examined’, (with William F. Shughart II and Robert D.
Tollison) The Economics of Budget Deficits Volume I, (supra), 2002, 325-326.
‘Overview to Ricardian Equivalence in the Dock’, (with William F. Shughart II and Robert D.
Tollison), The Economics of Budget Deficits, Volume II, (supra), 2002, 3-5.
‘Overview to Public Choice and Public debt: Theory and Evidence’ (with William F. Shughart
and Robert D. Tollison) The Economics of Budget Deficits, Volume II, (supra), 2002, 131-133.
‘Overview to Deficit Finance in Constitutional Perspective’, (with William F. Shughart II and
Robert D. Tollison, The Economics of Budget Deficits, Volume II, (supra), 2002, 261-263.
‘Budget Deficits and the Size of Government in the UK and US: A Public Choice Perspective on
the Thatcher and Reagan Years’, The Economics of Budget Deficits, Volume II, (supra), 2002,
‘Edwin George West, February 27, 1922 – October 5, 2001’ in American Conservatism: An
Encyclopedia edited by Bruce Frohnen, Jeffrey O. Nelson and Jeremy Beer, ISI Books January
‘The Glorious Revolution’ (with Matthew Dobra) in Economic Welfare, International Business
and Global Institutional Change edited by Ram Mudambi, Pietro Navarra and Giuseppe Sobbrio
Edward Elgar Publishing 2003, pp. 265-293
‘Mergers and Public Policy’, Journal of Law and Economics, October 1966, pp. 75-132.
‘Monopoly in Britain: Private Vice but Public Virtue?’ Moorgate and Wall Street, Autumn 1968,
pp. 37-68.
‘Steel Prices and Public Policy’, Applied Economics, January 1969, pp. 51-78
‘The Monopolies Commission and Rate of Return on Capital’, The Economic Journal, March
1969, pp. 42-65.
‘The Political Economy of British Education’, Scottish Journal of Political Economy, June 1969,
‘Che Fare con le fusione aziendali’, Mercuro, October 1969, pp. 28-33.
‘Scuola obbligatoria e buoni-scuola in Gran Bretagna’ Mercuro, June 1970, pp. 5-11.
‘Antitrust Policy:Economics versus Management Science’, (with M.A. Crew) Moorgate and
Wall Street, Autumn 1970, pp. 19-34.
‘On Allocative Efficiency, X-Efficiency and the Measurement of Welfare Loss’, (with M.A.
Crew), Economica, May 1971, pp. 199-203.
‘The Monopolies Commission and Rate of Return on Capital: A Reply’, The Economic Journal,
September 1971, pp. 603-609.
‘X-Efficiency and Public Policy’, Government and Business, September 1971, pp. 1-8.
‘X-Theory versus Management Discretion Theory’, (with M.A. Crew and M.W. Jones-Lee). The
Southern Economic Journal, 1971, pp. 173-84.
‘Antitrust Policy: The Application of Rules’, (with M.A. Crew) Moorgate and Wall Street,
Autumn 1971, pp. 37-50.
‘A Further Reply to Mr.Sutherland’, The Economic Journal, June 1972, pp. 704-705.
‘Pareto Optimality and the Political Economy of Liberalism’, (with A. Peacock), The Journal of
Political Economy, May/June 1972, pp. 476-490.
‘Welfare Economics and the Public Regulation of Natural Monopoly’, (with A. Peacock),
Journal of Public Economics, June 1972, pp. 227-244.
‘A Note on X-Efficiency’, (with M.A.Crew), The Economic Journal, December 1972, pp. 1395-
‘Welfare Economics and the Public Regulation of Natural Monopoly: A Reply’, (with A.
Peacock), Journal of Public Economics, Feb. 1973, pp. 97-100.
‘Industry and Pollution’, (with P. Izaac), The Unilever Magazine, September 1973.
‘The Economics of Accidental Oil Pollution by Tankers in Coastal Waters’, (with P. Burrows),
Journal of Public Economics, Summer 1974, pp. 251-268.
‘Operational Dumping and the Pollution of the Sea by Oil:An Evaluation of Preventive Devices’,
(with P. Burrows), Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Autumn 1974, pp.
‘The Control of Industrial Discharges to Tidal Rivers and Estuaries’, (with B. Beavis), Long
Range Planning, Summer 1974, pp. 1-6.
‘Torrey Canyon; A Case Study in Accidental Pollution’ (with P. Burrows), Scottish Journal of
Political Economy, November 1974, pp. 237-258.
‘Industrial Discharges to the Tees’ (with B. Beavis and D. Elliott), Water, April 1975, pp.5-9.
‘The X-Efficiency Factor’ New Society, January. 1976, pp. 97-99.
"Industrial Structure, Competition and Efficiency: A Review Article’ Scottish Journal of
Political Economy, June 1976, pp. 196-199.
‘Pareto Optimality and Gains from Trade: A Public Choice Interpretation’(with B. Beavis and
M. Walker), Public Choice, Spring 1979.
‘The Monopolies Commission and Architects Services: A Critique’, (with A. Appleyard),
Journal of the Royal Institute of British Architects, May 1978, pp. 1-4.
‘Liberalism and Collective Choice:A Return to Reality?’ The Manchester School, September
1978, pp. 224-251.
‘Collective Choice and Individual Liberty’ Ordo, 1979, pp. 107-116.
‘Liberalism and Collective Choice’ National Westminster Bank Review, May 1979, pp. 11-22.
‘Economic Instruments for Controlling Effluent Discharges to the River Tees Estuary’ (with B.
Beavis), The Marine Pollution Bulletin, May 1980.
‘Producer Pressure and Government Failure’ Journal of Economic Affairs, October 1980.
‘Property Rights and the Performance of Regulation and Public Enterprise: The Case of the
British Steel Industry 1957-1975’ (with G.K. Yarrow), The International Review of Law and
Economics, Vol. 1, Issue 1, June 1981.
‘Social Sciences and Law: The Relevance of Economic Theories’ Oxford Journal of Legal
Studies, 1981.
‘Transport Deregulation in the United Kingdom: Theoretical and Empirical Analysis’ (with C.
Mulley), International Journal of Transport Economics, Fall 1983, pp. 443-480.
‘The Failure of Government to Perform its Proper Task’, Ordo Band 34, Fall 1983, pp. 39-58.
‘Evaluating Choice: A Note’, (with B. Beavis), International Review of Law and Economics,
June 1983, pp. 79-83.
‘Is Government Macro-Economic Policy Impotent?’ Journal of Economic Affairs Vol.3, No. 2,
1983, pp. 109-112.
‘Inflation versus Unemployment: Is the Government Impotent?' (with J. Wiseman), National
Westminster Review, February 1983, pp. 2-12.
‘Mrs Thatcher and the New New Deal’ Journal of Economic Affairs, October 1983, p.54.
‘The Relevance of the Median Voter Theorem’ Journal of Institutional and Theoretical
Economics, March 1984, pp. 104-135.
‘Towards a Political Economy of British Labor Laws’ University of Chicago Law Review, Fall
1984, pp. 1135-60.
‘Have the Keynesians been Vanquished: Rejoinder’ Economic Affairs, Oct-Dec. 1984. pp.57-58.
‘Supreme Court Economic Review’ International Review of Law and Economics, June 1985, pp.
‘The Spatial Theory of Voting by J. Enelow and M.J. Hinich: A Review Article’ Public Choice
Vol. 48, No. 1, 1986.
‘Deregulation As An Instrument in Industrial Policy’ (with M. Crew), Journal of Institutional
and Theoretical Economics, March 1986, pp. 52-70.
‘Rent-Seeking and Trade Protection’ (with R.D. Tollison), Swiss Journal of International
Relations March/April 1986, pp. 141-166.
‘Ode to a Rent-Seeker’ Public Choice, Vol. 48, 1986, pp. 271-272.
‘Institutional Reform to Tame Union Power’ Economic Affairs, Volume 7, No. 1, Oct/Nov.
1986, pp. 8-10.
‘The Law of Property in Virginia School Perspective’ Washington University Law Quarterly,
(Vol.64:3) February 1987, pp. 759-774.
‘The Economics of Human Exchange’ (with G. Anderson and R.D. Tollison) Journal of Legal
Studies Vol XVII (1) January 1988, pp. 83-100.
‘The Economic Philosophy of James M Buchanan’ Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice
3, 1988 pp. 171-187.
‘Toward a Public Choice Theory of Monopoly Regulation’ (with M.A. Crew), Public Choice
Vol. 57, No. 1, 1988, pp. 49-68.
‘The Common Law in Public Perspective: A Theoretical and Institutional Critique’ Hamline Law
Review Vol. 12, No. 2, Spring 1989, pp. 355-383.
‘Competition and the Right to Justice’ The Legal Services Record Vol. 1, No.1, March/April
1989, p.11.
‘Choosing Freedom:Public Choice and the Libertarian Idea’ (with R.E. Wagner), Liberty Vol.3,
January 1990, pp. 43-45.
‘The Reason of Rules: Constitutional Contract Versus Political Market Conflict’ The Annual
Review of Conflict Knowledge and Conflict Resolution, Vol. 2: 1990, pp. 195-228.
‘A Changing of the Guard’, Public Choice, Vol.71(3) September 1991, pp. 201-224.
‘Gordon Tullock-Entrepreneur of Public Choice’, Public Choice, 71(3) September 1991, pp.
‘Duncan Black: Pioneer and Discoverer of Public Choice’, Journal of Public Finance and Public
Choice, 1991, pp. 83-87.
‘The Next Twenty Five Years of Public Choice’, (with F. Schneider and R.D. Tollison), Public
Choice Vol.77 (1) September 1993.
‘Policing the Academy’. Reason. October 1993.
‘Peacock and Wiseman on the Growth of Public Expenditure’.(with R.D. Tollison). Public
Choice Vol.78 (3) 1994. pp 125-128.
‘Why Democracy Does Not Necessarily Produce Efficient Results’ (with M. Vachris) Journal of
Public Finance and Public Choice, December 1995. pp. 95-111.
‘Introduction to Thirty Years Index of Public Choice’ (with F. Schneider and R.D. Tollison).
Public Choice Vol. 84 (3-4). September 1995.
‘What is Living and What is Dead in Classical Liberalism’ The Independent Review Vol I (i),
Spring 1996, pp 1-20.
‘The Relevance of Public Choice for Constitutional Political Economy’ Public Choice Vol. 9,
March 1997, pp. 1-10.
‘Donald Wittman's The Myth of Democratic Failure: a review article’ Public Choice. Vol. 99,
July 1997, pp.15-26.
‘Social Sciences and Law: The Relevance of Economic Theories’ in R.A. Posner and F. Parisi
(Eds). Law and Economics Vol. I., Cheltenham and Lyme: Edward Elgar Publishers 1997, pp.
‘On the Nature of Civil Society’. The Independent Review Vol. II, No. 3., Winter 1998, pp. 342-
‘Locke, John (1672-1704)’. The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics and the Law. Volume
II, (Edited by Peter Newman). London and New York: Macmillan 1998.
‘Tocqueville, Alexis - Charles - Henri Clerel de" The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics
and the Law Volume III, (Edited by Peter Newman). London and New York: Macmillan 1998.
State of Nature and Civil Society’ The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics and the Law.
Volume III, (Edited by Peter Newman). London and New York: Macmillan 1998.
‘Law and Economics from an Economics Perspective’ The New Palgrave Dictionary of
Economics and the Law.Volume II, (Edited by Peter Newman). London and New York:
Macmillan 1998.
‘Wealth Maximization in Normative Law and Economics: A Social Choice Analysis’ George
Mason Law Review Volume 6, No 4, Summer 1998. pp. 971-996.
‘Mancur Olson 1932-1998’ Economic Affairs Volume 18, No. 3, September 1998. p. 57.
‘Property, Contract and Tort: Some Simple Rules for Cyberspace’ The Locke Luminary, Volume
I, No. 2, Winter 1998, pp. 9-21.
‘Five Market Friendly Nobelists: Friedman, Stigler, Buchanan, Coase and Becker’ The
Independent Review Volume III, No. 3, Winter 1999. pp. 413-432.
‘The Thought of James Madison’. The Locke Luminary, Volume II, No. 2, Summer 1999, pp. 35-
‘Political culture and economic performance in sub-Saharan Africa’, European Journal of
Political Economy, Volume 16, March 2000, pp. 133-158.
‘The Revolt of Promethean Man: A Comment’. Homo Oeconomicus, XVIII (3/4) Janaury 2000,
pp. 451-458.
‘E.G. West: Champion of the Market for Education” Ideas on Liberty. Vol.52, No. 4, April 2002,
pp. 33-37.
‘Terrorism’. Public Choice, Volume 111 (1/2), March 2002, pp. 9-18.
‘Public Choice and Constitutional Political Economy’, The Encyclopedia of Public Choice
Volume I (Edited with Friedrich Schneider) Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004, 3-31.
‘Gordon Tullock at Four Score Years: An Evaluation’, The Encyclopedia of Public Choice
Volume I, (supra), 2004, 105-117.
‘Milton Friedman, 1912-: Harbinger of the Public Choice Revolution’. (with Anne Rathbone),
The Encyclopedia of Public Choice Volume I, (supra), 2004, 146-159.
‘Public Choice from the Perspective of the History of Thought’. The Encyclopedia of Public
Choice Volume I, (supra), 2004, 201-214.
‘Al-Qaeda’ (with Anne Rathbone), The Encyclopedia of Public Choice, Volume II, (supra),
2004, 5-9.
‘Efficiency of Democracy?’, (with Michelle A. Vachris), The Encyclopedia of Public Choice,
Volume II, (supra), 2004, 189-195.
‘The Logic of Liberty’, (with Emory Peters), The Encyclopedia of Public Choice, Volume II,
(supra), 2004, 363-372.
‘Terrorism’, (with Anne Rathbone), The Encyclopedia of Public Choice, Volume II, (supra),
2004, 558-563.
American Economic Association "Readings in Welfare Economics" Applied Economics Vol. 2,
1970, pp.147-159.
M. Blaug "An Introduction to the Economics of Education" The Economic Journal Vol. 81, No.
323, 1971, pp. 698-700.
J.L. Simon "Issues in the Economics of Advertising" The Economic Journal, Vol. 81, No. 324,
1971, pp. 958-960.
A. Thompson and L.C. Hunter "The Nationalised Transport Industries" Economica Vol. 42, No.
165, 1975, pp. 100-102.
G. Reid, K. Allen and D.J. Ham "The Nationalised Fuel Industries" Economica Vol. 42, No. 165,
1975, pp. 100-102.
A. Breton "The Economic Theory of Representative Government" The Economic Journal, Vol.
85, No. 339, 1975, pp. 661-63.
P.J. Devine, R.M. Jones, N. Lee and W.J. Tyson "An Introduction to Industrial Economics"
British Book News, December 1975.
A. Gamble and P. Walton, "Capitalism in Crisis" British Book News, May 1976.
Sir Norman Chester "Nationalisation of British Industry" British Book News, May 1976.
S. Aaronovitch and M. Sawyer "Big Business: Theoretical and Empirical Aspects of
Concentration and Mergers in the U.K." The Economic Journal, Volume 86,March 1976.
"Great Economist Who Scorned National Chauvinism - An Obituary of Harry Gordon Johnson"
The Times Higher Education Supplement May 20,1977,p.2.
S.J. Prais "The Evolution of Giant Firms in Britain" The Economic Journal, December
G. Calabresi and B. Babbitt "Tragic Choices" International Review of Law and Economics, June
A. Breton and A. Scott "The Design of Federations" International Review of Law and
Economics, June 1981,pp.119-122.
G. Tullock. "Trials on Trial: The Pure Theory of Legal Procedure" International Review of Law
and Economics, June 1984,p.99.
A. Breton and R. Wintraube. "The Logic of Bureaucratic Conduct" Economica, August 1984.
R.A. Jackson. "The Political Economy of Bureaucracy' Economica" August 1984,pp.364-365.
B.S. Frey. "The Democratic Economic Policy" Journal of Political Economy, Vol.93, No.2,
1985, pp. 426-429.
P. Riddell,"The Thatcher Government", Public Choice Vol.49,No.3,1986.
P. Bernholz,"The International Power Game" Public Choice 51, No.1, 1986, pp. 109-111.
C. Barnett, "The Pride and the Fall: The Dream and Illusion of Britain as a Great Nation". Public
Choice, Vol.63, No.1, October 1989, pp. 95-100.
J.E. Alt and K.A. Shepsle. "Perspectives on Positive Political Economy" Journal of Economic
Literature, 30(2) June 1992.