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Différences entre les versions de « Ludwig von Mises (Publications) »

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=== De 1979 à 2004 ===
=== De 1979 à 2004 ===
* [[1979]], Margit von Mises, dir., Economic Policy. Thoughts for Today and Tomorrow, Regnery/Gateway, Inc., Chicago
** Extraction en [[1980]] du chapître, [http://www.thefreemanonline.org/columns/inflation-5/ Inflation], [[The Freeman]], Mars, Vol 30, n°3
** Extraction en [[1994]] du chapître, [http://fee.org/wp-content/files/InflationisTheft.pdf Inflation], In: [[Hans Sennholz]], dir., [http://fee.org/wp-content/files/InflationisTheft.pdf Inflation is Theft], Foundation for Economic Education, Irvington-on-Hudson, NY, pp85-98
** Seconde édition en [[1995]], [[Bettina Bien Greaves]], dir.,
** Troisième édition en [[2006]], [[Bettina Bien Greaves]], dir., [http://mises.org/etexts/ecopol.pdf Economic Policy. Thoughts for Today and Tomorrow], Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute

* [[1980]], “Planificación para la libertad”, Centro de estudios sobre la libertad, Buenos Aires, Argentina
* [[1980]], “Planificación para la libertad”, Centro de estudios sobre la libertad, Buenos Aires, Argentina
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